睡前英语故事The story of Shanghai Metr

2020-10-07  本文已影响0人  设计师小张

On Sunday morning, mom and Dad took Ricky to   Shanghai  Metro Museum.

Dad bought two tickets. Ricky was less than 1.2 meters tall and didn't have to buy tickets.

After we get in, we need to take the elevator [ˈelɪveɪtər] to the second floor.

Ricky pressed the button and the elevator came up to get us.

The second floor has arrived.

Out of the elevator, there is a long tunnel,

We walked along the tunnel

The first thing to see is the history of automobile [ˈɔːtəməbiːl] development.

We saw a sedan [sɪˈdæn tʃer] chair, which requires four people to carry it.

And we saw a carriage, which is pulled by a horse.

The third is the rickshaw [ˈrɪkʃɔː] . Someone will pull the rickshaw.

The fourth is the classic car, which is powered by steam.

Next, we see the development history of trains

The first is a steam train

The second is the Diesel train

The third is electric train

The fourth is the high-speed train we use now

Finally, we visited the automatic [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk] cab[kæb]驾驶室  of the subway.

After confirming [kənˈfɜːrm] that the passengers get on and off safely, the driver presses the start button.

Now the train was in motion [ˈmoʊʃn] .

Pay attention to observation during driving

After arriving at the station, press the door opening button, and press the start button after confirming that the passengers are getting on and off safely.

We had a full day at the Shanghai Metro Museum

We'll come again next time!


