
You are rubbing salt in her wou

2017-03-19  本文已影响45人  阎先生

You are rubbing salt in her wounds. 你是在她的伤口上撒盐!

【Andrew’s Note】
I’m sure none of you have ever tried this, but if you put salt into an open wound it really, really hurts. We use this phrase metaphorically to describe what harsh words do to someone who is hurt emotionally.

[1] Yesterday Miss Liang had her handbag cut open and her purse stolen while shopping alone. When she came back to the office, she was crying her heart out (痛哭欲绝). She cursed that purse snatcher with language quite unbecoming ( 不适当的;不得体的) for a well-bred (有教养的;受过良好教育的) young lady.

[1] 昨天梁小姐独自去购物,手提包被人划破并偷走了钱夹。她一回到办公室就痛哭欲绝。她咒骂那个该死的扒手,完全不顾及教养和身份了。

[2] Seeing her so down in the dumps (垂头丧气;情绪低落), I felt it my duty to cheer her up(cheer sb up 使某人振奋 ; 使某人高兴 /振作). Just then Mr. Dong said in jest, “Forget it(算了吧;忘了吧;忘了它)! If you tell me you love me, I will buy you a new one, even better than the stolen one.”
[2] 看到她那么伤心,我觉得有责任让她高兴起来。 就在这时,董先生开玩笑说:“ 忘了吧!你如果说声‘我爱你’,我就给你买个新的,甚至比那个偷走的还要好。
[3] All of a sudden, Edmund cut in (插嘴), “I’m surprised at you, Mr. Dong! Why are you taking advantage of her loss and rubbing salt in her wounds? ”
[3] 突然间,埃德蒙插话说:“ 喂,董先生,你吓我一跳了!你为什么在她遭偷时还占她便宜,还在她伤口上撒盐呢?”

[4] “Oh, I’m really sorry. I really didn’t intend to say anything out of line (出格;过分;越界) just now. I was trying to say something to take her mind off (不想某事;转移对某事的注意) her troubles. I just wanted to help her forget about it it and keep her chin up( 不气馁;勇敢; 坚强).”
[4] “哦,我真的很抱歉。我真的不想说什么伤她心的话。我就想说点什么让她忘掉烦恼。 我只是想帮她忘记这事,让她开心起来。”


[5] “No one can get over his or her problems so quickly. You’d better apologize to her right away and offer to take her out to dinner. But next time I won’t let you off so easily. ”
[5] “没有人能那么快就把问题解决掉的。你最好立即向她道歉,还要请她吃顿饭。不过下次我可不会轻易饶了你的。

rub salt in sb.'s wounds  加深某人的忧伤或痛苦
Don’t make a joke now; you might break her heart even more. In fact you are rubbing salt in her wounds.
curse sb.  诅咒某人该死 
She cursed me out for making that joke about the size of her rear end.
take advantage of  利用
How dare you try to take advantage of my bad luck?
keep one's chin up  pull oneself together [口]不灰心; 振作起来;不泄气
I know you are so sad about your failure in the exam, but don’t take it too much to heart. Just keep your chin up and work harder. I am sure you can pass it next time.
take sb.’s mind off sth.  很高兴;开心起来;使忘掉
Let’s have a party for Jane to take her mind off her divorce.

A: You know Marie’s still hurting from her breakup with her fiancé. Why were you so harsh with her?
B: I just want to return tit for tat. Last semester she jeered at me more than once when my old girlfriend left me.
A: It is terrible to rub salt in another’s wounds. You should know better than to treat a pretty girl like that.

A: 你明明知道玛丽亚和她的未婚夫分手而闷闷不乐,你跟她说话为什么这么说话尖刻 呀?

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