
2020-05-11  本文已影响0人  Mauhaus


什么样的失败,算得上是"成功的失败”。There was a moment in recent business advice historywhen everyone went crazy about failure. Fail bigger! Failharder! crowed entrepreneurial evangelists. There is even a"Fail Camp" where would-be innovators can become morecomfortable with failure

失败,似乎是近年来商界备受关注的话题。很多创业界的布道者高喊着:摔得越惨越好!摔得越厉害越好!甚至还有人专门成立了一个"失败训练营",在那里,未来的创新者可以亲自去感受失败,这样当他们日后真正面对失败时,他们就会更加轻松自如了。In every trend, there's a grain of truth: innovation cannothappen without an appetite for failure, and a commitmentto learning from it. That's the key takeaway from Netfix'sTodd Yellin's lesson on "successful failure."




If youre going to innovate you have to have a tolerance, ahighrisk tolerance and you also have to have a reallystrong appreciation that failure can be a good thing, inother words as long as youre learning something from thatfailure.




Assess your stumbles评估你的马失前蹄So good failure is something where you tried something forlogical reasons, it made sense why you tried it; it was areasonable hypothesis. And then when you put it out there,you were very clear what was the measurement forsuccess and failure. And if it failed, you did your best tounderstand why it failed and then you looked back and youlearned and got smarter about it. A bad example of failurecan be multi-fold. It could be, you tried something but youreally don't have a compelling reason this is what we'retrying, this is why and this is what we thinks going tohappen based on what we're trying.





If its not compelling in the way that it misses someinternal logic, and then it fails, you really have no excuseBecause it didn't make sense what you wore presenting oryou didn't present it in a clear and logical way. That's one.Another kind of failure that's not the good kind of failure iswhen you failed, you learn why you failed and then you tryagain the same thing because maybe out of somestubbornness or I've got to be right, there's got to besomething wrong here. So if you keep on making the samemistake over again and you don't learn from your past,that's a bad kind of failure too. But, I couldn't -I hate to saysomething so obvious, but if you're not falling on your faceonce in a while, maybe even pretty often, then you're not aninnovative culture.





但是,你不能忍受时不时地遭遇失败,甚至是经常遭遇失败,那你就无法创造一种创新的精神和文化。虽然我不想说的这么直白,但是事实就是这样。There are times when we have fallen as a company. Thereare times that we have stumbled, we have fallen down andthen we've gotten up and we've made things better. Youwant to lean so far forward that sometimes you're going tofall on your face. But it's important when you do fall onyour face you get up; you brush yourself off; you learn whyyou fell on your face; you try not to make the same mistakeagain and you try to improve the experience. An example iswhen we launched into Latin America. We didn't really - wewere new to the global scene. We didn't really understanowhat it would take to be successful in countries, in non-English-speaking countries outside of the U.S. and CanadaSo we launched in Latin America and we really don'tunderstand how to make that work at first. And at first, weplanted, a firm face plant in Brazil and Mexico and so forth.We didn't have consistent language assets. We weren'tsure of subtitling or dubbing would work. We weren't sureexactly what kind of content would play in Latin America.So we stumbled out of the gate. But the exciting thing isafter we fell on our face we got up, we brushed our self offwe learned about how to make a better experience. Welearned on the language front; put out everything withsubtitles and dubbing because different people enjoydifferent ways to watch it across Brazil, across Mexico,across Colombia and all of Latin America. So that wassuper important.

就拿网飞公司来说,作为公司,我们也曾多次马失前蹄。我们也曾经历过很多跌跌撞撞,很多次栽了跟头之后,又站起来 ,然后才能做得更好。





我们在语言功能上学到了很多,我们为所有的内容都加上了字幕和配音。因为在巴西,墨西哥,哥伦比亚和整个拉丁美洲地区,不同地方的人会享受不同的观看方式,所以字幕和配音都非常重要。Come up with good payment methods that work acrossthese countries. We didnt really get that, then we learnedthat over time. So it first started out being someplacewhere we did stumble out of the gate and we werentsuccessful and then we became very successful over time.另外,我们还想出了一些适用于这些国家的支付方式。一开始我们并没有意识到该怎么做,我们是在不断失败的过程中才逐渐学到这些的。所以,一开始我们确实在门外摔得很惨,离成功也远得很;然而,随着时间的推移,我们还是能够重新站起来,并且实现巨大的成就。Temper failure with Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)

在失败和最小化可行产品之间进行平衡When we guide the design and then the ultimatedevelopment of any part of the Netfix experience, there arecertain questions that we have to ask ourselves.

Likebecause were very testcentric and were trying thingstheres a really careful line you have to draw betweenwhats the minimum viable product, you dont want to overinvest in something that might not work. And weve donethat. Weve made that mistake many times where youre sopassionate about something and you want to make it sogood because you want your test to succeed that youoverly invest in it. And if it doesnt succeed, you wasted alot of time on an idea that really doesn't swim. But, on theother side, if you create something thats so much of aminimum viable product, emphasis on too minimum, thenits not viable and you really get a false negative becausemaybe it was a good idea and if you just would have put alittle more polish on it, and you really never know theanswer to that. So you're threading a needle, you don'twant to over-invest, you don't want to under-invest. So verymuch we're talking to the product managers, the designers,the engineers, were always debating about where that lineis

当我们在指导设计和开发网飞产品的每一个环节时 ,我们必须要问自己一些问题,那就是什么是我们的MVP?也就是什么是我们的最小化可行产品。










Assess your stumbles总结来说,我们要对自己经历的的失败进行评估,分析这些尝试是否合理;Good FailureTried for logical reasons/ reasonable hypothesisClearly defined metrics for measuring success orfailureResulted in new learnings




三,你能够从中学到新的东西Bad FailureTried for no compelling reasonAlready deemed a failure, but tried again anyway



二、已经经历过失败,但仍然用同样的方式重复尝试Face fall frequentlyIts OK to lean so far forward that you fail. Learn fromeach failure, brush yourself off, and try something new.


Temper failure with Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)Only invest enough to yield viable test results. Avoid thetemptation to over-invest in passion products.Under-investing in a product can yield a false-negative.




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