The Office-S02E20

2020-04-12  本文已影响0人  carrie_yu


joint: Joint is defined as slang for a cheap bar, prison or a marijuana cigarette. An example of joint is a night club. An example of joint is jail. An example of joint is marijuana rolled in paper for smoking.

inattentive 不专心

tangy 浓郁的

zip ???tangy zip???

Miracle Whip: 奇妙酱是由Kraft Foods生产的调味酱料,在美国和加拿大各地均有销售。亿滋国际(MondelēzInternational)也将其作为Miracel Whip在德国各地出售。它于1933年被开发为蛋黄酱的较便宜的替代品。

impression: a performance in which someone copies the way another person speaks or behaves in order to make people laugh. e.g. do an impression of someone (1. He does the best impression. 2. He does impressions of famous singers.)

look up at somebody:To turn one's gaze or attention upward toward someone or something.

look up to someone:to admire and respect someone. He's a role model for other players to look up to. Synonyms and related words. + To respect someone or something, and to show respect.

(one's) ass is on the line:rude slang One's reputation, livelihood, or wellbeing is at stake. My ass is on the line, so this presentation has to go well! Their ass is on the line out there, so let's give them the air support they need.

search warrant 搜查令

take a chill pill:A chill pill is something that has a relaxing or calming effect. When someone is stressed and you want him/her to calm down, you say “Take a Chill Pill”. Example of use: Daren was so scared and stressed out on the plane back home, so I yelled at him “Take a chill pill, you're freaking everybody out”.

Don't harsh my mellow is American slang, meaning variously and roughly “don't treat me badly”, “don't get on my nerves”, “don't make life difficult for me”, roughly the same as buzzkill in phrases like “don't be such a buzzkill”.

The word narc is slang shorthand for "narcotics agent," a federal agent or police officer who specializes in laws dealing with illegal drugs. Narc is sometimes also used to mean "police informant," someone who secretly gives inside information to the police, informing on others who are engaging in illegal activity.

cool it:behave in a less excitable manner. "Cool it and tell me why you're so ecstatic."

A "doobie" is a slang term used for a marijuana cigarette. The word is derived from the latin term dubiety which could mean 1 : giving rise to uncertainty: questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality. ... It means doubt, uncertainty or questionable in nature.

Peace out. It is an urban slang used as a farewell term like “goodbye” or “see ya”. Often used by hippies, teens and wannabes. It is used on the basis of a serious fashion, at times used to hint the goodbyes related with “kill”, “defeated”, “left behind” or “ f* off”. Peace out.

seacrest ???

munchies, Informal. food suitable or meant for snacking: Munchies were served before dinner. the munchies, Slang. hunger, especially a craving for sweets or snacks: suffering from the munchies.

drug mule:a person who transports illegal drugs by swallowing them or concealing them in a body cavity.

enforcement officer 执法人员

knock it off:used to tell someone to stop doing something that one finds annoying or foolish.

I want to = I love to ; I think = I believe 别用前面的,用后面的

jinx: A game where two people try to be the first to shout "Jinx!" immediately after both people accidentally say the same word at the exact same time in a conversation. The person who says "jinx" first wins, and the loser is either branded unlucky until they win another round in the future, or in some cases, is expected to buy the winner a can or bottle of Coca-Cola.

unflinchingly 坚定不移地

rat (one) out: To inform an authority figure of one's bad or illegal behavior. e.g.1. I can't believe you ratted me out like that to Mom and Dad—I'm never telling you anything ever again! 2. The criminal ratted out his accomplices(共犯) to avoid jail time.类似“打小报告”

urine: 尿

on the premises: inside a building or on the area of land that it is on The hotel has a restaurant on the premises. No smoking is allowed on the premises.

score seats ???

lip ring 唇环

pass around:1. To transfer something from one person to another: We passed around each plate of food that was brought to us. The teacher gave the book to the students and told them to pass it around. 2. To be transferred from one person to another; circulate: The bottle of wine passed around the table.

clove cigarette:clove cigarette (klove SIH-guh-ret) A type of cigarette that is made in Indonesia. It is made using a mixture of tobacco, cloves, and other ingredients. Clove cigarettes contain nicotine and many cancer-causing chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and nonsmokers.

aisle 通道

antioxidant 抗氧化剂

take a gander: take a gander at. Look at, glance at, as in Will you take a gander at that woman's red hair! This slangy idiom, dating from the early 1900s, presumably came from the verb gander, meaning “stretch one's neck to see,” possibly alluding to the long neck of the male goose. For a synonym, see take a look at.

pull out the big guns: Use the most powerful method/treatment to any underlying problem or illness when other methods/treatments fails.(放大招)

bust on: to attack verbally, to criticize or scold; (in weakened sense) to tease, to mock

tender resignation:To tender your resignation is a formal way of telling your boss that you will be leaving your job to pursue a new opportunity.

swear in:When someone is sworn in, they make a formal promise to be honest or loyal, either in a law court or when starting a new official job

take an oath:To make a formal, binding promise (to do something)

pull strings:make use of one's influence and contacts to gain an advantage unofficially or unfairly.

call in a favour: to contact the person who owes you a favour and ask him/her to return the favour which s/he owes.

bo staff: a Japanese martial art weapon that is made of usually red or white oak that is between 5.9 ft to 9ft. long which is used to strike and block opponents and their weapons. 

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