甘比学堂 拓展写作班

拓展写作--描述吉他的物理原理--day 20--诗陌

2017-02-08  本文已影响14人  诗陌
拓展写作--描述吉他的物理原理--day 20--诗陌

Guitars are the most familiar string instrument to us in modern life. The guitar has thousand-years history and is obviously prominent in modern music. So how does a guitar work?

from  Google

As we all know, a guitar has six strings fixed on the neck of it, and this makes it possible for strings to vibrate. And one string has mainly two parts itself—parts that are unable to vibrate are called nodes and those where vibration is present are called antinodes. When we pluck the stings, the vibration they make could transfer to the bridge and then to the sound hole and therefore, the air in the soundboard would vibrate, making what called sound we hear. There are three sets of pickups sample the string modes at different points, which give different quality sounds. The note we hear when pluck the string is called fundamental frequency, or the first harmonic. Also, there are some other frequencies such as second harmonic, third harmonic, fourth harmonic so on and so forth. When two strings are plucked together, the added-up waves can form a chord if the frequencies come in harmony.

I could remind of a video a guitarist made when he put the camera under into the sound hole, which very attractively showed how the strings vibrate and how the air between them vibrates.

拓展写作--描述吉他的物理原理--day 20--诗陌

