2018-08-18 Third Day
1、It hit me! the dream, or the reality, which I had been lost in mire. I was still in scare, when I found the shadow about endless dark was surrounding my figure and heart. Maybe it would be the symbol of my slimming. Nothing can be impossible. But I wish I could sleep till 6 o'clock tomorrow.
2、Collecting personal information at my first time.
With the development of Internet, the flow rate of information are more and more high, which increase the intangible competition, reduce face-to-face communication and truth between people. So, I knew it must be a challenge for me to pick up the "simply" part-time job. There were inherent reasons except for objective environment, as for me. Whatever, try one time, no matter success or failure, I will be happy as usual.
I walked into the beautiful building in hesitation, telling myself to be calm, I had been a junior in college, afterwards. The decoration of that educational institution has a little visually open which made me dependable(可信赖的).It would be a well-paid(福利待遇好的) organization and of good economic benefit. I was generally in the right(理直气壮的)for the balance between money and mission, when I found asymmetric information(不对称的信息).I was proud of my courage and conscious to be righteous(正直的), although it ended with my giving-up. I was taken to the designated place in the transportation of the elder brother's electro-car(电动车), this kind of action helped to add my favorable impression(好感、好印象).Then, I began my long way for searching children's information.
With the curiosity to this job and those small balloons, smiling at the up-and-down children, trying to sale English-learning service was exciting. I had just taken one line down in the last two hours, anxious and upset. Then, I planned to change my represent as a cameraman( 摄影师)to invite cute child to be my model for my soon-to-open(即将开张的)photographic studio(摄影室). I was a little nervous to afraid of deceiving(欺骗) others' truth at beginning, when I took the first step to be this role, people refused to leave contact information(联系方式)all the same, I spent another two hours asking the same require under sunburns. My psychological defenses were punctured(心理防线被戳破), I was trapped into the self-suspicious, I was afraid of being unemployed in my future, due to my useless. Next, after long time mental struggle, I would be in relief, then escaping from this type of work and digging into my major got the upper hand(占据了上风)······Finally, my one piece revealed my pale endeavor(努力). I had to go to school.
Before delivering him the name list, I made up for some more telephone numbers for facial honor. I told him the circumstances about gathering numbers visually(栩栩如生的), he didn't reprimand(训斥)me, transferred some red envelopes(红包) to me instead. I was frightened to receive it, but I can't express it on my face, I left the institute as quickly as possible to avoid betraying my identity(露馅). But I was in dilemma. “The kindness is no more widespread, when somebody is kind to you, you must treasure this kindness." So, I made the decision to apologize for what I had done and send back its envelope. To my surprise, he emphasized my honesty and invited me to participate in his career and offered me some supports in the later days if it will be chances.
In a detached view(在另一个角度看),what I see is not just the kindness, but weigh(权衡) the advantages and disadvantages is vital. Such as this thing, if I don't tell him the fact by myself, my credibility will be defended and influence my later job-applying somewhat. He is not the sheep, his experience in marketing is not limited, so, don't get above yourself(自以为是) and look down others. Think twice and more before making your decision.