Go! PingPong Privacy Policy

2019-04-02  本文已影响0人  hznil

This app respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this app will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, this application will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. This app will update this privacy policy from time to time. By agreeing to the Service Use Agreement for this application, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Application Service Agreement.

First, What information does this app collect from you?

1. This app does not collect any personal data information

Second, data storage

1. Data is only stored in the local database

Third, notice and revision

1. This application may modify the terms of this Privacy Policy as appropriate with the application upgrade, and such modifications form part of this Privacy Policy. For major changes, the app will provide more noticeable notices, and you may opt out of using the app; in this case, if you continue to use the app, you agree to the revised Privacy Policy. Constraint.

2. Any changes will put your satisfaction in the first place. This app encourages you to review the app's privacy policy each time you use the app.

Fourth, how to contact this application

If you have any complaints or reports about the security of your network information, or if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, your information, and any questions regarding this statement or the privacy practices of this application, please contact this application. Contact the coordinator.


本应用尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。为了给您提供更准确、 更有个性化的服务,本应用会按照本隐私权政策的规定使用和披露您的个人信息。 本应用将以高度的勤勉、审慎义务对待这些信息。除本隐私权政策另有规定外, 在未征得您事先许可的情况下,本应用不会将这些信息对外披露或向第三方提供。 本应用会不时更新本隐私权政策。您在同意本应用的服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。本隐私权政策属于本应用服务使用协议不可分割的一部分。


1. 本应用不收集任何个人数据信息


1. 数据只存储于本地数据库中


1. 本应用可能随应用升级适时修改本《隐私政策》的条款,该等修改构成本《隐私政策》 的一部分。对于重大变更,本应用会提供更显著的通知,您可以选择停止使用本应用服务 ; 在该种情况下,如您仍然继续使用本应用服务的,即表示同意受经修订的本《隐私政策》的约束。

2. 任何修改都会将您的满意度置于首位。本应用鼓励您在每次使用本应用服务时都查阅本应用的隐私政策。


如您有关于网络信息安全的投诉和举报,或您对本《隐私政策》、您的信息 的相关事宜有任何问题、意见或建议,以及有关本声明或本应用的隐私措施的问 题请与本应用的协调人联系。


