words by 说笑
To Lord Byron,
For you taught me what passion is.
To every man and woman,
For you all suffered as much as I did.

又一个灵魂,Another soul,
熄灭了—goes out.
如同子夜的火烛,Just like the flame in dark,
或是灿烂星空中,or,like one star degenerated from the sky,
不太耀眼的一颗星宿,which never glittered conspicuously before.
狄安娜也为之哀伤,Diana was also in grief,
月神呵—My dear goddess ,
你告诉我,You may tell me,
有什么,is there anything that exists,
能止得住泪之泉的迸涌?could be competent to shed my tears?
又一种希望,another hope,
如五月的鲜花,just like the buds in a summer's day
在现实的践踏下凋零,withered in the abuse from reality.
和㙤裂的泥土一个模样,looks like those humble ashes,
臣服于残暴的风沙——goes anywhere the wind does.
自然界的尼禄,which is the horrible Nero of nature,
而不再有一丝幽香。and has no scent to be found now.
维纳斯也该悲恸,Venus is also mourning ,
而它既已失了灵性,though its instinct has lost,
再听不见为它而颂的歌唱。and couldn't hear the lyrics for it.
又一场梦想,another dream,
也一路,and incidentally,
把激情和爱全部都偷走。stole the love and passion with it,
这是它,which is doubtlessly,
最后的反抗,its last revolt.
却也在,Nay can it,
生活的棒锥下,survive from he hammer of life,
如玻璃一般粉碎。but to scatters in to pieces regrettably.