
【教书匠阿伦-原创干货】托福听力到底考什么? 第二讲:功能性理解

2019-06-09  本文已影响7人  教书匠阿伦


今天我们的第二讲就是功能性理解问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)。功能性理解问题能力(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)

理解某部分对话的功能和用意(Understanding the Function of What Is Said)

2. 理解对话者的态度(Understanding the Speaker’s Attitude)


1.理解某部分对话的功能和用意(Understanding the Function of What Is Said)


比如TPO 49 - Restricted Access

Student: Hi, I need to get into special collections, in particular the British Literature. I was working with some of the William Blake books.

Librarian: Well, then you must know that access is restricted.

学生的第一句话“I need to get into special collections, in particular the British literature”,

通过I need to表明意图是来看图书馆中关于英国文学的书籍。而之后的全文都在讨论学生没有教授的授权,是否能借阅这些书。

Student: Maybe she'd be checking her email. I really thought I would be able to straighten this out without her. You know, she did me a huge favor by giving me the extra time. I feel like I'm skating on thin ice with her.

Librarian: You know, you were lucky to have had permission to look at the books last semester. If we don't maintain our policies, they'll disintegrate.

Employee用这样的一句话“If we don't maintain our policies, they'll disintegrate”



2. 理解对话者的态度(Understanding the Speaker’s Attitude)在托福听力备考中一定要注意说话者的语气,对于语气的判断能够解决作者态度类问题。TPO 50 - Ancient Egyptian Glass:

Why does the professor say this?

Professor: Ok. Am……Am I missing something? They are making glass but they are not making glass? Professor: I said they were making glass objects, right?


因此符合选项C: To indicate that there was no contradiction in her previous statement.TPO 42 Service recoveryWhat is the professor’s opinion of the service recovery paradox?

Pro: Great example! So, in this case, that hotel changed might consider itself the beneficiary of the so-called “service recovery paradox”. Um, the paradox basically implies that customers who experience a service failure, well, they could potentially be made more loyal than customers who were satisfied in the first place. If an adequate order recovery occurs after the failure. Yes, Ben?

Student 1: Wait a minute. If a good service recovery creates more loyalty than, uh, if things move smoothly from the get-go, why don’t companies like…make mistakes on purpose, so…

针对学生提出的问题,是否可以故意使用户不满,然后再采取补救方案使其更加满意。教授回应道:不应采取这样的方案来吸引顾客甚至是作为提高用户忠诚度的途径, 所以A选项正确: It should not be relied on as a way to increase customer loyalty。

TPO 43 Approximate Number SenseWhy does the professor mention six-month-old infants?

Professor: ANS is a very basic, innate ability. It's what enables you to decide at a glance whether there're more apples than oranges on a shelf. And studies have shown that even six-month-old infants are able to use this sense to some extent. And if you think about it, you'll realize that it's an ability that some animals have as well.

此处提到ANS是天生的能力,如六个月大的婴儿可在某种程度上运用这种感觉。因此教授的主要目的是进行强调To emphasize that ANS is largely innate。

What is the professor’s opinion of using instruction in ANS to improve children's performance in formal mathematics?

Student:But...wait. ANS can improve?Oh, that's right, you said that before...even though it's innate, it can improve. So wouldn't it be important for teachers in grade schools to…

Professor:Teach ANS? But shouldn't the questions Laura just posed be answered first? Before we make teaching decisions based on the idea that having a good approximate number sense helps you learn formal mathematics.

此处学生提问如果某人数学能力很强且学习过传统的数学运算,他的ANS能力是否可以提高?教授的态度表明这个问题在实验中没有解答,即不确定是否能够改善ANS能力,对应It is unclear whether instruction in ANS would improve performance in formal mathematics, 即选项C



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