正面管教:Positive discipline: kindne

2018-12-31  本文已影响9人  育儿知识搬运工


正面管教是以阿尔弗雷德· 阿德勒和鲁道夫·德雷克斯的思想为基础的。在书的开始,作者就引用了鲁道夫·德雷克斯的话解释了和善而坚定的养育方法的必要性。

Positive discipline is based on the ideas of Alfred Adler and Rudolph Drakes. At the beginning of the book, the author quotes Rudolph Drakes to explain the necessity of a kind and firm parenting method.


"When fathers lose control of their mothers, parents lose control of their children," Drakes said.


Now the society is equal between men and women, the general environment of the whole society has changed. Fathers and mothers are equal, and children always imitate their parents. That is to say, children will think that they are equal with their parents, so when parents want to control their children, children will naturally resist.


Therefore, the book "Positive Discipline" has been emphasizing that parents should use a kind and firm attitude to discipline children positively.


So what is kindness and firmness?


The answer given by Positive Discipline is that the importance of kindness lies in expressing our respect for our children, while the importance of firmness lies in respecting ourselves and the needs of the situation. Kindness and firmness are the foundation of positive discipline.


In the general family, when one parent tends to be kind, the other tends to be firm. This is exactly the same as what we often say, "one sings red face and one sings white face", but the long-term impact on children can not be ignored. If the parental discipline is the opposite, the child will quickly observe the parental differences, and easily use them, and even let both parents start fighting.


Kindness and firmness require us to respect our children as well as ourselves. When parents start talking back to their children, their emotions begin to get out of control, and the kind and firm way to deal with them is to "walk away".


This is not to let the children go, but parents can not force the children to treat themselves with respect, but parents can treat themselves with respect. Walking away is when parents treat themselves with respect.


Parents can say this to their children later:


Baby, I'm sorry you're so angry. I respect your feelings, but I can't accept what you just did. In the future, whenever you don't respect me, I will walk away temporarily. I love you and want to be with you, so when you think you can respect me, come and tell me that I will be happy to work with you to find other ways to deal with your anger. Then we can focus our experience on finding solutions that respect you and me. "


In a few words, it shows my child that I accept your emotions, but not your behavior. It also expresses unconditional love like the child, so that the child can find a sense of belonging, and parents will set a good example for the child.


Firmness also means boundaries, but the formulation and implementation of these boundaries need to involve children. Parents should try to let go and let children take responsibility for themselves.


Moreover, children's participation in the establishment of boundaries will better understand the necessity of setting boundaries and their responsibilities, and will be more willing to comply with boundaries.


Of course, parents need to set restrictions on children under 4 years old, but they still need to be implemented in a friendly and firm way.


When a child violates a restriction, don't punish, don't preach, ask him some heuristic questions with respect, such as


What happened? What do you think is the reason? What are you going to do to solve this problem now? What have you learned to avoid the same problem next time? "


If you change your attitude and ask questions, you will get totally different results.


When parents are both kind and firm, kindness can counteract all the problems caused by too firm (rebellion, resistance, self-esteem setbacks).


Steadfastness can offset all the problems caused by being too kind (pampering, manipulating parents, spoiled naughty boys, bruising self-esteem).

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