1.As the new year begins,we'll have a fresh start.一元复始,万象更新。/New Near's day元旦
2.we all help each other stay strong.No one is strong alone.我们互相帮助,让彼此坚强有力.没有人可以独自坚强。#电影《房间》/Strong adj. 坚强的
3.The course of true love never did run smooth .真爱无坦途#戏剧《仲夏夜之梦》/Smooth adj. 顺利的
4.Being brilliant is not enough.You have to work hard.头脑聪明还不够,你一定要努力向上。#电影《蜘蛛侠》/Brilliant adj. 聪颖的
5.When given the choice between being right or being kind,choose kind.当需要在正确与善良之间做选择时,选择善良.#电影《奇迹男孩》/Kind adj. 温和的
6.Don't you blink,you might miss it's.不要眨眼,机会稍纵即逝.#电影《一条狗的回家路》/Blink v. 眨眼
7.Forecaster said the weather may be raining hard,but I know the sun will shine for us.天气预报说雨可能会下很大,但我知道阳光会为我们闪耀.#歌词《Young for You》/Shine v.照耀
8.If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself.如果你不能把一件事解释给一个六岁小孩,那你自己也就没把它搞明白.#爱因斯坦/Explain v.解释
9.It's been a long day without you,my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.没有老友你的陪伴,日子漫长,唯盼哪日与你重逢,诉我衷肠.#歌曲《See You Again》 Without prep. 没有
10.It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.能展现自我的不是我们的能力,而是我们所作的选择 .#电影《哈利波特与密室》/Choice n. 选择
11.A mother's voice is the most beautiful sound in the world.母亲的呼唤是世界上最美的声音.#但丁/Voice n. 声音
12.Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise. I must think of a new life, and I mustn't give in.破晓,我必须等待日出。我必须考虑新的生活,我绝不能屈服.#歌曲《Memory》/Sunrise n.日出
13.Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf.让你的生命在时间的池缘上翩翩起舞吧,就像露珠在叶尖上那样.#泰戈尔诗句/Leaf n.叶子
14.Three words.Eight letters.Say it and I'm yours. 三个字,八个字母.说出来,我就是你的了.#美剧《绯闻女孩》/Letter n.字母
15.Are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?是否我们都是迷途的繁星,试图点赢这片夜空?#歌曲《Lost Stars》/Lost adj.迷失的
16.Glory, like the phoenix midst her fires.荣耀之光,如凤凰浴火重生.#拜伦诗句/Glory n.光荣
17.A strong man can save himself,a great man can save another.一个强大的人可以自救,一个伟大的人可以拯救他人.#电影《肖申克的救赎》/Save v.救助
18.It's always the little things we overlook that are the most important. 我们忽略的事情往往才是最重要的.#动漫《名侦探柯南》/Overlook v.忽略
19.The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it.过去使你伤痕累累。你可以选择逃避,或从中吸取教训.#电影《狮子王》//Learn v. 学习
20.Some people feel the rain ,Others just get wet.有的人能感受雨,其他人却只是被淋湿。#鲍勃名言/Wet adj. 潮湿的
21.First, I need your hand ,then forever can begin.执子之手,与子偕老.#《诗经》/Forever adv.永远
22.I love you more and more each day as time goes by.任时光流逝,我对你的爱与日俱增.#歌曲《卡萨布兰卡》/More adv. 更加
23.My philosophy is if you worry, you suffer twice.我的人生信条是:遇事发愁,只会给你平添痛苦.#电影《神奇动物在哪里》/Suffer v.遭受
24.Whoever saves one life,saves the world entire.当你挽救了一条生命,就等于挽救了全世界.#电影《辛德勒的名单》/Entire adj.全部的
25.Easy doesn't enter into grown-up life.成年人的生活里没有容易二字.#《天气预报员》/grown-up adj.成年人的
26.When I was young,I wanted to be anybody but myself.当我年轻的时候,我想变成任何一个人除了我自己.#电影《玛丽和马克思》/Young adj.年轻的
27.As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight.You breathe... keep breathing..只要你一息尚存,就不能退缩.深呼吸,不要停下,深呼吸.# 电影《荒野猎人》/Grab v.抓住
28.Greed , for lack of a better word , is good.没有比“贪婪”更好的词语了。#电影《华尔街》/Greed n.贪婪
29.Death smiles at us all.All a man can do is smiles back.死神在向我们每个人微笑,我们所能做的只有回敬微笑.#电影《角斗士》/Death n.死亡
30.This is the "oasis" world,where the only limit is your own imagination.这是“绿洲”世界,在这里唯一限制你的是你自己的想象力.#电影《头号玩家》/Limit n.限制