I often work extra hours. After the hours, I go home and be busy with my writing and the way of making the Public Number on Wechat with my partners. One day, my friends asked me to go shopping but said "No". Later, I often said "No". My friends gave me a call and told me that I was misunderstood in MLM, working all the day with enough passion.
I really know my IQ is not higher, and my background is not better, I will always spend more time in getting what I want if I really succeed in doing it. So, if no passion ,no will, what will force me to go forward?
One of my sisiters asked me why not enjoy myself at a young age. Why make yourself so busy?
Actually, who would not like to fall in love with Mr Right or Mrs Right or get married with him or her? But I know happiness is based on what you really have. I would rather believe we are well-matched than envy every Cinderell's story. When you glitter like gold, the one who also glitter like gold will go hand in hand with you.
When she says that , I always give her a smile. I never tell her I am preparing fot put graduate exams. Every Fridays, I am in a hurry to take lessons after work until 10 p.m while my weekends is full of lessons too. I am busier but get more than before.
我自己清楚, 时光会一点一点从指尖溜走。有一天,我们可能不再年轻,但是我希望那时的自己,能活的更加从容淡定,有足够的能力应对生活里的波澜,有成熟的思维,厚实的荷包,给自己与所爱的人幸福。所以,我不敢太闲,也不愿太闲。
Time to rush folwing and flow away quietly. In the future, we will not be young any longer but I hope I will live unhurriedly,have enough capacities to deal with the problems of my life, enough money and thoughts to bring happiness to myself and the ones who I love. So, I have no courage to be free and I do not want to be free now.
她说 :“我就是不知道该做些什么,所以才苦恼?”
Someone who is a recent graduate, she always chatted with me on Wechat about how to do in confusion. She never passed the exams she used to registered for and never found a good job. She asked me what she should do when life is filled with dispair.
And I also asked her one question "What changes have you made?"
she said,"I just don't know what changes I should do, so I am in trouble."
I was a bit speechless and never told her the following words:
she was not in confusion but felt too bored to do more instead of thinking mire. If it takes her more time to change her current situation to improve herself, how can she make herself in confusion?
Later, we chatted about something boring in life and I knew she used to waste too much time to see South Korean TV soaps when she felt bored. After that,she suddenly realized she wasted her time and felt more bored, and the only way she can think about was to see the next one. Again and again.
One suggestion I gave her was to write comments on films or TV plays. she had gone on for about one year and often sent her comments to me. Gradually, she sent fewer and fewer because she became busier and busier. Now, she is a writer and to my surprise,she get a part-time job as a television writers' assisdant when she is crazy about joining the theater group.
她告诉我现在每天都要做很多事情,虽然是累了点,但是过的却很充实。当生活忙碌 起来,根本没有时间无病呻吟,胡思乱想,更没有时间迷茫,当所有的精力都放在努力与奋斗上时,人生开始变得有意义,而一个个的成功也会纷至而来。
She says to me, "Now there are too many things I want to do every day, I am very happy although I am very tired ." If your life is busy, you'll have no time to complain , think more and fall in confusion. When all the effort is put into progress, life is becoming more and more meaningful and success is coming fast.
Many people asked me this question "How to define 'too free' "
Different people have different hopes.However, when you lie in bed ,you can count what you did the whole day and didn't have any worries and self-accusation because of wasting time,didn't be worried about your future because of no achievement. The day is no waste for you.
Every morning, when you wake up, plans of the whole day has been in your mind and you will be willing to devote your all passion to finishing them. You will be willing to believe I will make progress every day if I keep doing. The day is meaningful for you.
Now, we are at a young age, it is just the beginning if our lives. Nothing is impossible. Not necessary to make us in confusion and to enjoy early at ease. What we should do is to do what we want and to live the life we want whatever comes in life.