English BootCamp英语训练营芬芳园

商务英语 Level 4 Unit 1 Part 4 Dialo

2019-10-29  本文已影响0人  流非沫

Dialogue【A changing Company】

Hey Randy, nice to see you again!
Hi Leslie. It's been a while.
How's it going?
I'm doing great. You?
I guess I'm all right.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
It's just that there have been some changes in my company recently.

Oh, What kind of changes?
Well, did you know that my company was acquired by Skybest?
Really? That Is a surprise.
Why were they interested in your company?
They acquired us to get our technology.
They are trying to expand their market share.
That makes a lot of sense.
So you're working for Skybest now?
Yes, but I am still doing the same job.

How about your team members?
What's happened to them?
Well, my former manager chose to leave but most of the team has decided to stay for now.
Still, one of my older co-workers told me he's worried that he could get fired.
That must be very hard.
Yeah. They've already brought in a new manager and I don't like him.
Sometimes it's hard for me to get my ideas through.

What do you mean?
The way decisions are made has changed a lot.
It used to be much easier.
My former manager and I used to brainstorm and implement new ideas quickly.
But now I have to do a lot of paperwork and go through many procedures.
I understand.
That happens a lot in big companies.
Some procedures may seem unnecessary, but they help clarify responsibilities for each person involved.
You may be right.
But sometimes I feel like I'm not included in making decisions.

Maybe you should talk to your manager about the way you're feeling.
Do you think that would help?
I'm not good at talking to people.
At least make your voice heard.
Communication is key.
Hmm, I'll think about it.
Thank you, Leslie.
No problem.
Should we order now? Waiter!


  1. Why does he sound a bit worried?
    > There have been some changes in his company.
  2. His company has been seeing some changes recently.
  3. By expanding its market share, a company can...
    > control more of the market
  4. When a company is acquired, many of its employees could lose their jobs.
  5. Why doesn't he get along with his new manager?
    > He can't communicate with him well.
  6. Why do big companies have more procedures?
    > They want to make sure responsibilities are clarified.
  7. Why does she think the man should talk to his boss?
    > It's important to communicate problems.
  8. He should talk to his manager about the way he's feeling.

