Lily Collins 教英国俚语

2020-10-21  本文已影响0人  AliceLi


Why we don’t use this one more often is beyond me, I mean, Don’t you always want to reference being on the phone as to have tinkle on the blower. I know that I do. Hey, guys, I am Lily Collins and I am going to be teaching you a little bit British slang. 

Lippy, so when you are lippy, it means you are mouthing off to someone, giving them a little bit a hard time. I used to be pretty lippy. I could say I was, I could be a little lippy as a kid. It’s kind of a cool word. I like to use that one actually. 粗暴地和某人说话

All right, Bezzle is to go for a bezzle, to go for a drink so people would reference it more like after work, you wanna go for a bezzle down by the pub?  喝酒

Blub is to swell, to be like swollen, this word is really good because it actually sounds exactly as it looks and the word would seem, like blubber, easy to remember.  膨胀

To be cream knackered means to be totally exhausted. 非常累

Oh, full of beans, my dad used to say I was full of beans which could kind of mean a lot of things if you think about it. But full of beans means full of life, full of energy. Yeah, as a kid, I was always full of beans and I also used to say that to my little brothers, which they thought was just hilarious because like what kid wants to be told full of beans. 


Waste man is someone who is like super lazy. So like a waste man could be cream-knackered all the time because they are basically not doing anything. They are not full of beans, I will tell you that much. 


Our kid is usually referenced as i guess you could say when it is like OR, like younger friend, our boy, our dude, kind of a term of endearment. It’s kind of like comparable to younger sibling of a friend of yours or something. Oh,yeah, that’s just like our kid. Why aye means yes. Just another way of saying oh well  yeah. 


Botched, we like this word. This is a fun word to say. Botched is when something gets just completely ruined when you botched your homework, you botched a job. If you dye your hair wrong color, you botched their hair dye. It’s a lot of ways you can use botched. I like this one. It’s one of my favorites. 


Ledge, I mean who doesn’t want to be called a ledge. Just another word of saying legend, just the abbreviated version of.


Wazzock, which is basically a stupid person, someone that doesn’t just really know what’s going on. 


Sorted, when you are sorted, you got it all figured out. You want to be some who is sorted, has it all together, tighten a little bow, and it’s  very very organized, has it going on.


 Splash out, I also used to use it a lot when I was growing up in England. And Also I still use it. To splash out is to like go all out to have fun, to kind of go without limits. You just say “go on, splash out. Spend that money. Go out with your friends. Have an extra drink. Enjoy yourself. I guess.” 



on the blower 在打电话

go all out 全力以赴


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