

2020-12-25  本文已影响0人  二万哥

14/100#我在看什么 圣诞节是基督教纪念耶稣诞生的重要节日。公元336年罗马教会开始在12月25日过此节。12月25日原是罗马帝国规定的太阳神诞辰。有人认为选择这天庆祝圣诞,是因为基督教徒认为耶稣就是正义、永恒的太阳。现在西方在圣诞节常互赠礼物,举行欢宴,并以圣诞老人、圣诞树等增添节日气氛,已成为普遍习俗。祝大家平安夜快乐~

Christmas is an important holiday for Christianity to commemorate the birth of Jesus. The Roman Church began to celebrate this festival on December 25 in 336 AD. December 25 was originally the birthday of the sun god prescribed by the Roman Empire. Some people think that they choose to celebrate Christmas on this day because Christians believe that Jesus is the righteous and eternal sun. Nowadays, it has become a common custom in the West to exchange gifts and hold banquets at Christmas, and to add a festive atmosphere with Santa Claus and Christmas trees. Happy Christmas Eve everyone~


