Peak-Summary of Chapter 1&2
falter: to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way
原文:how long you can keep going until your muscles falter due to lactic acid buildup.
deploy: to organize or movie soldiers, military equipment etc. so that they are in the right place and ready to be used
原文:No one has ever found the upper limits of long-term memory -- but it takes much longer to deploy.
intrigue: if something intrigues you, it interests you a lot because it seems strange or mysterious
原文:that was exactly the sort of question that most intrigued me.
Verb phrases:
flat out: in a direct and complete way
原文:most scientists would have flat out denied that something like what Maguire has seen in the brains of London cabbies was even possible.
delve into: to try to find more information about someone or something
原文:But before we delve into the details of deliberate practice, it will be best if we spend a little time understanding some more basic types of practice.
blurt out: to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are nervous or excited
原文:Once he blurted out
Other phrases:
原文:More to the point更重要的是, prospective taxi drivers must demonstrate that they can get from one point in the city to another as efficiently as possible.
原文:he gave himself an excited pep talk鼓舞士气的讲话, seemingly conscious of意识到 nothing but=only仅仅,只是 the approaching task.
原文:the extensive testing (they went through) was nothing more than仅仅,只不过 a weeding-out process淘汰过程 (that zeroed in on those prospective drivers (who were naturally better equipped to be able to learn their way around the maze that is London)).
原文:these were thought to be little more than和。。。差不多 the strengthening of some neural connections and the weakening of others.
More effective and more scientific deliberate practice brings the better performance in almost all of the fields. In order to achieve this goal, we need practice purposefully, which includes focus attention and fit feedback, rather than naive practice.
Both human body and brain is incredibly adaptable. Get not too far out of your comfort zone, then practice deliberately, build your potential ultimately.
My thought:

科学的刻意练习是最好的天赋。无论是身体还是大脑都有着我们难以想象的适应力和潜力。很多毒鸡汤中都有说过,不要给自己设限(如上图所示),之前对这些毒鸡汤并不是很看感冒,甚至因为自己秉信的幸存者偏差和天赋论而嗤之以鼻。但如今通过Peak一书作者们罗列的各种科学实验,实际数据,以及核心的实施方法(还没有读到的章节),我第一次懂了怎么去提高自己,practice purposefully and perform better.大师不愧为大师,大师的书读起来让人信服有实操性,而毒鸡汤确实也只是毒鸡汤----论读书而不是刷手机的重要性。