

2017-12-05  本文已影响126人  七老师



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Peasantophobia in Beijing

Chinese cities should stop expelling Chinese migrants

Officials in Beijing are using brutal tactics to limit the city’s population. They are wrong even to try

expel: If people are expelled from a place, they are made to leave it, often by force. 逐出;驱逐 其名词是下文第一段最后一句提到的expulsion
最后一句They are wrong even to try(甚至只是试图这么做都是错的)非常明确地表达了立场,掷地有声。

  1. IN ALL countries, a big influx of migrants tends to provoke grumbles among the natives. In China, however, the migrants most frequently grumbled about, and treated with the greatest hostility, are not foreigners but other Chinese: rural folk who move to the cities in search of a better life. This has been on show in the past few days in the capital, Beijing. On November 18th a blaze in a ramshackle warehouse-cum-apartment-block killed 19 people believed to be migrants from elsewhere in China. The authorities are now using “fire safety” as a pretext to drive thousands of other migrants out of the basements, air-raid shelters and shanties where they live—often by cutting off their electricity and water. It has amounted to a mass expulsion from the capital.

influx: the fact of a lot of people, money or things arriving somewhere (人、资金或事物的)涌入,流入
grumble可以做名词,意为:something that you complain about because you are not satisfied 嘟囔;牢骚。同义词有:complaint, moan
它可以做动词,比如下文的grumbled about sb./sth.
on show: being shown to the public
ramshackle: (of buildings, vehicles, furniture, etc. 建筑物、车辆、家具等) in a very bad condition and needing repair 摇摇欲坠的;破烂不堪的
= tumbledown
pretext: a false reason that you give for doing sth, usually sth bad, in order to hide the real reason; an excuse 藉口;托辞 = excuse
mass: affecting or involving a large number of people or things 大批的;数量极多的;广泛的
e.g. mass unemployment / production 大批失业;批量生产

  1. 在所有国家, 移民的大量涌入往往会激起当地人的抱怨。然而, 在中国, 最经常被抱怨的、以最大敌意被对待的移民不是外国人, 而是其他中国人: 移居城市寻求更好生活的农村居民。这在过去的几天里在首都北京展示在公众面前。在 11月18日一处摇摇欲坠的仓库兼公寓大楼的大火中, 19名被认为是来自中国其他地方的移民丧生。当局现在正以 "消防安全" 为借口, 将数以千计的其他移民赶出地下室、防空洞和棚屋——通常是通过断水断电的方式。这等同于一次大规模驱逐出京。

In China, however, the migrants most frequently grumbled about, and treated with the greatest hostility, are not foreigners but other Chinese这句中省略了定义从句的主谓语,而且主语the migrants后面有两个修饰语,所以理解稍微有点难,补全句子就更好理解了:In China, however, the migrants (who are) most frequently grumbled about, and treated with the greatest hostility, are not foreigners but other Chinese 标粗部分是修饰主语的定义从句。

warehouse-cum-apartment-block这个词的构词法是用连字符将几个名词连起来,关于合成词的其他构成法可以参考之前的文章《光棍中国》中的语法小课堂;cum意为“and; as well as”,比如a bedroom-cum-study意思是“卧室兼作书房”。block在英国英语中有“大楼”的意思,比如:a block of flats(公寓大楼)。 所以文中这个词的意思为“仓库兼公寓大楼

amount to: 意思是“等同;接近”,相当于** equal, be equal to, be equivalent to**
比如:President Trump’s action will amount to the largest rollback of protections for public lands and waters in US history. The Guardian(Dec 04, 2017)
amount 是不及物动词,后面接 to,如 The expenses amount to(总计)¥50 和 That amounts to(等于)a refusal。假使后面该用动名词,很容易误用不定式,该特别注意,如 That amounts to saying that he is a genius 里的 saying 不可改作 say。
另外,amount 用作名词,只可用在不可数的东西,不可用在可数的东西,如可以说 a large amount of literature,不可说 a large amount of books,该把 amount 改作 number。这点需注意,很多同学在写作时会弄混。

  1. It is clear that officials are not simply aiming to prevent future fires. A few volunteers who have tried to set up shelters for people who have found themselves suddenly homeless in sub-zero temperatures have been ordered by police to close them. The capital has a long record of trying to limit the population of migrants from the countryside by making it harder for them to rent crummy accommodation, the only kind that most of them can afford. They cannot buy a home without being formally employed (which most are not) and having residency papers (which are almost impossible for them to obtain).

find: to discover sb / sth / yourself doing sth or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected 发现,发觉(处于某状态、在做某事):
e.g. She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed. 她醒来发觉自己躺在医院的牀上。
e.g. I suddenly found myself running down the street. 我不知不觉突然在街上跑了起来。
record: the facts that are known about sb / sth's past behaviour, character, achievements, etc. (有关过去的)事实;记录;经历;功过:
e.g. The report criticizes the government's record on housing. 这份报告批评了政府在住房问题上的所作所为。
crummy: of very bad quality 劣质的;低劣的;糟糕的

  1. 显然, 官员们并不只是为了预防火灾。一些志愿者试图为那些突然在零度以下发现自己无家可归的人建立庇护所, 但被警察告知要关闭这些地方。首都长期以来都试图通过使农民工更难租到劣质的住房来限制他们的数量, 而这些劣质房屋是他们大多数人唯一能负担得起的。他们只能在被正式雇用 (大多数都不是), 而且有居住证件 (他们几乎不可能获得)的情况下买房。

A few volunteers who have tried to set up shelters for people who have found themselves suddenly homeless in sub-zero temperatures have been ordered by police to close them.这句当中有个定语从句的嵌套,第一个who修饰volunteers,第二个who修饰前一个从句中的people。主句是 A few volunteers have been ordered by police to close them.
They cannot buy a home without... 是双重否定表示肯定,所以翻译的时候翻成“只有……才……”更通顺一些。





