

2023-02-13  本文已影响0人  慈恩cie

The spirit of the '60s was rebellious, the culture of the' 60s was rebellious, and the life of the '60s was rebellious. In the West in the 1960s, there were quite a few young people who despised tradition, abandoned morality and consciously kept away from the mainstream society to express their rebellion against the real society with a unique life style that was not compatible with the mainstream society. These people were called "hippies".

Many young people resist society and tradition by wearing strange clothes, growing long hair, wearing short skirts, smoking drugs, listening to rock music, swing dancing, homosexuality, living in a group village and other extreme or non-mainstream behaviors. In 1967, a 16-year-old high school student from Massachusetts named Mike Maitley ran away from home and traveled the country in search of friendship and brotherhood.

Many hippies came from white, wealthy families. Only those who truly experience the mainstream culture are likely to see its disadvantages and criticize it. In 1969, Rothzak, the representative of the youth counterculture, published his book The Formation of the Counterculture, which clearly pointed out that the counterculture was a reflection on the modern technological society. The participants of the counterculture disdained to solve social problems through participatory democracy like the participants of the New Left and the student movement. They believed that the control of technology and the rule of experts would not end as long as the concept of objective consciousness controlled society.

The hippies believed that the United States was a world filled with conventions and conventions, which had become the sum total of old conventions that suppressed people's individuality and persecuted individuals' free life. Only by escaping from this society and getting rid of all connections with the real society and the real cultural patterns could individuals and the American society avoid a dead end.


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