雪山在唱歌| C3 Hide-and-seek <6>
Singing Snowberg
Chapter Three
Hide-and-seek <6>

“Salix, how do you do?” He turns at me still in his trance state, what’s wrong again? I need to expel his sorrow from his body, he needs an aided meditation. “Why don’t we go for a hike tomorrow? To that place called the Frost Forest?” His eyes smile in the sunlight, as if saying: yes. Wow I’m so happy to see him happy again. “Why don’t we go to our place, I have a gift for you.” He’s getting even happier, his eyes are saying: show me, I love everything you offer.
I turn on the artificial sunlight and open the meditation book.
“Salix. Try to find a good posture because you will need to keep it but just try to relax by breathing in slowly and deeply... feel your chest expands bigger... and broader and deeper....”
What’s funny is that I find him getting an erection.
“Salix. Concentrate. And follow my instruction breathing out slowly and... completely and inhale to let go all your current thoughts... and exhale slowly and kindly yes... inhale... as you’re doing this you feel your body is loosening... lighting... good and trying to imagine a view or a landscape you like most... what are you seeing?”
Few seconds later he inhales deeply and says, “I see a blue sea and sand beach, summer sunshine and birds flying, a bridge, from beach into the ocean....” The book says: choose an object your patient described and give it a good meaning.
“You’re looking at the birds flying in the sky, so much freedom and happiness, they smile and go everywhere they want, just like you Salix a Runner, always running....” This is absolutely an awful instruction, because I see clearly his beautiful tears. I close the book, lie down beside him and hold him, “birds are flying at many directions, trying to imagine one of them is you... the only one knows what he always wanted... he has beautiful grey eyes fluffy dark hair that I love and beautiful body taking him wherever he wants... firm hands strong arms and legs you’re precious and only in this world... when moon is coming out shining white light you’re feeling so warm that it’s stirring your light within that’s all I always needed... is you….”
Oh I’m a talented psychologist. Salix’s asleep in his sweetest dreams, simple smile on his face. I’m looking at the most precious thing in my life. Everything about him is so perfectly designed.
Lucy gave me a maize pancake for the late night snack, “Nice sleep? Here.” He takes and tears it apart and gives me the bigger part. Oh I’m satisfied just by looking at him. I won’t care how bad our lives could be. “Thank you, Cyano.”
The next morning we got up at five, Lucy was in her cell behind the delivery window, she managed to pack some foods for our trip. The map says there’s a 20 km distance between the frost forest and the research station. We walk on foot, this is a challenging hiking.
The outside we see is total darkness, only the research station giving off faint light. The vehicle tube next to us is black most of the time, the lamps on the glass walls’ junction will be turned on beforehand when there will be vehicles passing by, so does the pedestrian lanes in our tunnel. It gives you a feeling of walking onstage, under the spotlight, but this is a long stage. Half an hour later we reached the first station, the animal farm. The entire district is in a gigantic cave that’s the heart of a mountain, a perfect sanctuary to keep the coldness at bay. We discussed here could be our next working place.
The second station is the plant farm. Layers and layers of transparent glasses holding different types of vegetation, these glasses like optical fibres transmitting huge amount of light. From the distance those houses of green light are like fine-cut diamonds. We agreed this is not a good place for working, because people will lose sleep if there’s too much light intake during work. The third station is the glass factory, nothing special about that big building, it’s not made of glass, but concrete I suppose.
At 10 o’clock when there’s only a trivial sign of sun we stopped at the eighth station, the Southpole government. “Shall we go and take a look? We’ve never seen the consul agent of our country.”
The entire site is under a giant dome made of glass, also the light source, every building is a little colony in this big culturing greenhouse. The Southpole government is the biggest, its entire glass structure looks just like a cylindrical dome, reminding me of the little prince, that little glass dome that was used to protect his rose. The Argentinian consul is easy to find, just find the colour of light blue.
“Wow, I’m going to take a picture.” “No way. You don’t have a camera.” “Come on, just stand there and I’ll take a picture of you.” As he stood in front of me, I took a picture of him with my both hands’ index and forefingers, and I’ll remember it forever. We took turn and I also got a great picture. People are staring at us and we don’t care, the way they look is kind, they even amused by us, that’s good.