[Peppa Pig]S1-07 Mummy Pig at Wo
Mummy Pig at Work
猪妈妈在工作Mummy Pig at Work
Mummy Pig is working on her computer.
Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch.
Daddy? Can We go and Watch mummy on her computer?
Yes, as Iong as you don't disturb /dɪˈstɜːrb/ her. (Please do not disturb us when we are working. 工作的时候请不要打扰我们。)
(As long as you do as I said, you will be alright. 你只要按我说的做,你会没事的。)
She has a Iot of important work to do today. (= lots of)
Thank you, Daddy!
Mummy Pig has a lot of important work to do.
Mummy. Can George and I sit on your lap and watch you work? (laptop = 笔记本电脑 tablet = 平板电脑 )
Yes, if you both sit quietly. (He is watching for an opportunity of retiring quietly. 他在静静地等待一个退休机会。 keep quiet 保持安静)
Peppa and George love to watch mummy work on the computer.
Mummy? Can We play that computer game, ''Happy Mrs.Chicken''?
We can play ''Happy Mrs. Chicken'' later.
But now I have to Work.
Mummy? Can We heIp you Work?
No, Peppa! You mustn't touch the computer.
And George, you mustn't touch the computer, either /ˈiːðər,ˈaɪðər/. (He doesn't like durian. I don't like durian, either.)
I like neither of the novels. 这两本小说我都不喜欢。
Professor Ma spoke neither English nor German. 久松教授既不会讲英语,也不会讲德语。
He did not even say anything to her, and she did not speak to him either.他甚至一句话也没跟她说,她也没跟他说话。
Either she or he mess up the bedroom 她或她弄乱了睡房)
Yes, George. You mustn't do this.
Peppa, stop!
Sorry, Mummy.
I was just showing George what not to do. (I was just showing you what not to do.)
Oh, dear. The computer is not meant to do that.
There is not meant to be any unpleasantness.不是有意要引起不愉快。
But this is not meant to be rude.但这并非意味着粗鲁。
It is not meant to be decoded by the browser.这并不意自味着需要解码的浏览器。)
Daddy Pig! Daddy Pig!!
What is it, Mummy Pig?
Daddy Pig, can you mend the computer?
I'II finish the Iunch whiIe you mend the computer. (I'll look after children while you cook 同时发生,而不是接连发生,所以用while)
Err... Right. you are, Mummy Pig, but I'm not very good with these things...
Oh, thank you, Daddy Pig!
Daddy Pig is going to mend the computer!
Hmm. Hmmm. Hmm.
Um. Maybe if I just switch if off... And then switch it on again...
Daddy Pig has mended the computer!
Hurray, Daddy!
Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things.
Daddy? Can We play that computer game, ''Happy Mrs. Chicken?''
Maybe you should ask Mummy Pig. (Maybe you should ask your teacher)
Mummy said that we could play it later.
WeII, that's okay, then.
But I don't know where the disc is.
Now, it's my turn!
Now, it's my turn!
What on earth is going on?
Well, I see that the computer is working again.
bother 指的是麻烦,拜托别人去做某件可能对方不乐意的事情。
I'm sorry to bother you at this time of night. 很抱歉,这么晚了打扰你。
I don’t want to bother her with my problems at the moment. 我此刻不想让她为我的事操心。
disturb 指的是别人在专心做某件事情,或者是在休息的时候,去打扰了对方。
I'll see my patient now and we are not to be disturbed. 我现在要给我的病人看病,我们不想被打扰。
interrupt 指的是打断别人的交谈,或者是正在进行的事情。
It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking. 在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。
Don’t interrupt me while I am writing. 我在写作时别打扰我。
The boy is helping his father fix the bike.这个男孩正在帮助他的爸爸修理自行车。
Could you help me to mend this shoe?你可以帮我补一下这个鞋子吗?
He is repairing his car now.他现在正在修理他的汽车。
while 两个句子都是正在进行式,要用while,同时发生
I'm playing video games while my husband is working.
when 两个单一行为(非正在进行式),用when,接连发生。
I picked up the phone when it rang.
while/when 一个正在进行式,一个单一行为(正在进行式前面可接while或when)
He called while/when I was sleeping.
when 一个正在进行式,一个单一行为(单一事件行为前面只接when)
I was sleeping when he called. 他打来时我在睡觉。