每日一词 98 l persist

2019-02-07  本文已影响9人  JackChen_

每日一词 98 l persist
To continue to exist
e.g: If the fever and cough persist, see a doctor
= Continue doing sth
Persist with
Persist in sth
Persist in doing th
Persist不及物动词,两个意思,一个继续存在,一个顽强坚持。Persist表示继续存在,可以代替exist,更准确,简洁。(Persist 主语含有负面的事物)
A) Old traditions persist: women are still expected to marry young, bear children, and obey husbands and mothers-in-laws. (可以用remain替代,remain本身无负面含义)
B) The scars of racial segregation persist.
C) Arguments persist over how to keep Israel safe.
D) Emerging evidence suggests that the consequences of mistreatment in childhood may persist down the generations, affecting a victim’s children or grand-children, even if they have experienced no abuse themselves.
A)Stubbornly, doggedly persist in doing sth
B)Continue to exist=persist to today
C) Indefinitely, be likely to persist, tend to persist, be allowed to persist
D) Persist for some time 持续时间
F)Persist into 延续到什么时间
G ) Persist through
H) Persist until
4-翻译The rumors still persist even if the authority has denied
答案: Despite official denials, the rumors still persist.
a)A lot of cases prove that consequences of severe criticism in childhood may persist for decades, suppressing their confidence, even if they have grown old enough to understand why parents criticism leads to self-abandonment.
b)He persisted in running in gym despite extremely hungry condition he faced after work.
c) The boss persisted in complaining despite million dollars spent on this program.

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