1. 品牌塑造:市场营销战略和品牌定位

2015-07-23  本文已影响0人  一棵法国梧桐

part 5 品牌宣言:电梯简报

mental map(意识地图)

 Portrays brand associations and responses for a target market. Shows how it is        actually perceived.

 Ask consumers “What comes to mind when you think about V8?”

 Then brand associations are grouped into categories.

Set of abstract concepts or phrases that characterize the five to ten most important

dimensions of the mental map of a brand(选出5-10个特点,由导图所获)

Relate to points-of-parity and points-of difference(依据类同点和类异点提取精华)

Mental map ——》Core brand values ——》 Brand mantra

brand mantra(品牌宣言)

-An articulation of the “heart and soul” of the brand

-Similar to “brand essence” or “core brand promise”(品牌的精髓与承诺)

-Short three- to five-word phrases that capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand positioning and brand values


◦ Communicate

◦ Simplify

◦ Inspire

essence of brands(三个基本要素)

 The brand functions describe the nature of the product or service or the type of experiences or benefits the brand provides.(品牌的功能,产品的属性,介绍了品牌所能提供的利益)

 The descriptive modifier further clarifies its nature.(描述性的修改,阐明品牌所表现出的属性)

 The emotional modifier provides another qualifier—how exactly does the brand provide benefits, and in what way?(情感上的选择,具体解释那些提供的利益以及品牌传递他们的方式)

uses of brand mantra

 Used internally to guide decisions- what the brand should and should not be associated with.(用来指导内部做决策)


 Brand Mantra Considerations

◦ Communicate: define the business and boundaries;clarify what is unique about the brand

◦ Simplify: Memorable, short, vivid, and crisp.

◦ Inspire: Have higher level meaning from employees and consumers

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