Lecture On Nothing,没有什么大不了
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Lecture On Nothing
- 为什么所有的基础物理量都是一个特定的值,而不是别的值?
例如暗能量的密度大一点,原子就不能聚合诞生恒星;能量的密度小一点,宇宙还没来得及诞生生命就已坍缩。没人能解释为什么暗能量偏偏就是一个刚好的定值。 - 为什么地球离太阳9300万英里这个特定的值,而不是其他值?
开普勒花了几十年试图解释这个数字,但是没有成功。 - 那么会不会有一个上帝在宇宙诞生之时设定了这些数值呢?
这篇文字其实也是Words On Nothing,只是了解这些事一个很有趣的过程。当你不再把身边世界当成理所当然,你才会看见最真实的世界,你会惊叹于无数的偶然造就了你所见到的必然,你接着质疑、探索、思考为什么,最后发觉其实没有什么大不了,也越发的珍惜这巧合造就的宇宙。
Here’s the point: if we consider the huge maze of possible universes, the vast majority will not have conditions hospitable to life, or at least to anything remotely akin to life as we know it.
For drastic changes in familiar physics, it is clear, if our universe didn’t conform to the rules it does, life, as we know it, would not exist.
Even rather conservative changes to physics would interfere with the formation of stars, for example, disrupting their ability to act as cosmic furnaces that synthesize complex life-supporting atoms, such as carbon and oxygen, that normally are spewed throughout the universe by supernova explosions.
In the light of the sensitive dependence of life on the details of physics if we now ask,for instance, why the forces and particles of nature have the particular properties we observe, a possible answer emerges.Across the entire gamut of possibilities, these features vary widely. Properties could be different.
What’s special about the particular combination of particle and force properties we observe is that clearly they allow life to form,and life, intelligent life in particular, is a prerequisite even to ask the question of why our universe has the properties it does.
In plain language,things are the way they are because if they weren’t,we wouldn’t be here to notice.