Guru WeeklyAndroid开发经验谈Android技术知识

推酷《Guru Weekly》第三十八期

2016-08-10  本文已影响37人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. I Peeked into My Node_Modules Directory and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

  2. Angular 2 HTTP Requests with Observables

  3. Organizing Your Grunt Tasks

  4. A Comprehensive Look at jQuery Selectors

  5. Atomic Design – Your Ultimate Guide to Scalable & Modular CSS

  6. Creating An Accessible Modal Dialog

  7. A short introduction to Web Components and Polymer

  8. Angular 2 vs React – What Developers Often Forget?


  1. Developing Android apps with bottom sheets

  2. Debugging Angular 2 Apps with Augury

  3. How I boosted my iOS development with Swift Libraries

  4. Android: Dagger 1 and 2 living together

  5. UIActivityViewController Tutorial: Sharing Data

  6. Creating Animations with Xamarin.Forms

  7. React Native ART and D3


  1. An Introduction to Crystal: Fast as C, Slick as Ruby

  2. Golang is Trash

  3. Error handling in go

  4. I Love Go; I Hate Go

  5. Introduction to nom: a parsing framework written in Rust

  6. Programming Your Own Language in C++

  7. Embedding JavaScript into Python


  1. An unexpected journey, a Postgres DBA's tale

  2. Percona XtraDB Cluster on Ceph

  3. Simon Riggs: Thoughts on Uber’s List of Postgres Limitations

  4. Robert Haas: Uber's move away from PostgreSQL

  5. MySQL Group Replication for 5.7.14

  6. Streaming MySQL tables in real-time to Kafka


  1. Building Scalable Data Science pipelines with Luigi, Apache Spark,Flask

  2. Notes on concurrency bugs

  3. Massive Data Ingest and Concurrent Analytics with MemSQL


  1. What is HTTP/2 All About?

  2. DevOps and Immutable Delivery

  3. Why do CPUs have multiple cache levels?

  4. What is Machine Learning? – An Introduction

  5. Linux how long a process has been running?


  1. Vue-Multiselect | A Vue.js library

  2. Cool jQuery plugin for notifications, prompts and confirmations

  3. Create Alfred workflows in Node.js with ease

  4. Locreq – a nicer way to require local project modules in Node

  5. React Fiber Architecture

  6. Mister Poster - A social app built using React Native, Redux and Firebase

  7. dinuscxj/PullZoomRecyclerView

  8. Facebook opensources fastText

  9. Use Windows 10 Apps APIs Directly from Node.js and Electron


  1. Book about writing webapps in Go without framework

  2. Issue #217

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