

2019-05-30  本文已影响2人  b79e666de1f6

Vary your Sentence Length

Once you know the different types of sentences, you should practice using them. The most difficult one is the compound-complex sentence, but even if you don’t know that, you can still get a good score with a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences. The key is varying the length and type of sentence so it sounds natural.

Look at this example:

Firstly, children watch too much TV. It’s bad for their health. It can make them addicted. They will spend too much time indoors. This can make them fat.

The sentences are all short and could easily be mixed together into more interesting patterns:

Firstly, children watch too much TV, which is bad for their health. This habit can cause them to become addicted, resulting in them spending too much time indoors and thus getting fat.

Remember Collocations

Students preparing for the IELTS exam always want to study lots of vocabulary. This is understandable as vocabulary is important for understanding and making yourself understood. However, knowing a word’s meaning is very different from being able to use it. Learn a word in context and you will be able to apply it more easily. When you are learning vocabulary, pay attention to what words commonly go together.


Ø Verb + thought:

Ø Spare a thought

Ø Spare a thought for all those who are homeless on a cold night like this.

Ø Hear one’s thought

Ø Have you given the new proposal any thought yet? Were keen to hear your thought

Ø One’s thought goes out to somebody/something

Ø Our thoughts go out to all those families who lost relatives in the disaster.

Ø The thought occurs to someone

Ø The thought just occurs to me that it’s mum’s birthday tomorrow and we haven’t got her a card.

Ø Gather one’s thought

Ø The President was taken aback by the question and took a minute to gather his thoughts.

Ø Noun + preposition + thought:

Ø great deal of thought

Ø Shirley doesn’t devote a great deal of thought to her appearance.

Ø freedom of thought

Ø Some places don’t encourage fr

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