Books to Read
1. 经济学 (Economics)
A. 理论经济学 (Economic Theory)
01. 经济学方法论与经济思想史 (Economic Methodology and History of Economic Thoughts)
经济思想史 (柳欣)
经济哲学 (J. Robinson)
经济思想史 (H. Landreth)
Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics (J. C. Coldas)
A History of Heterodox Economics (F. S. Lee)
02. 新古典宏观经济学 (Neoclassical Macroeconomics)
高级宏观经济学 (D. Romer)
03. 后凯恩斯主义经济学 (Post-Keynesian Economics)
a. 理论框架 (Theoretical Framework)
现代经济学导论 (Robinson, Eatwell)
Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations (M. Lavoie)
Post-Keynesian Economics: A New Guide (R. Holt)
Macroeconomic Methodology: A Post-Keynesian Perspective (J. Jesperson)
The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics (G. C. Harcourt)
The Oxford Handbook of Post Keynesian Economics
Post-Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution and Macro Economy (T. L. Palley)
Comtemprary Post Keynesian Analysis (L. R. Wray)
Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World (R. Holt)
经济学与中国经济 (柳欣)
资本理论:有效需求与货币理论 (柳欣)
The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics
b. 货币理论 (Monetary Theory)
Monetary Economics: An integrated approach to credit, money, income, production and wealth (Godley, Lavoie)
The Stock-Flow Consistent Approach (M. Lavoie and G. Zezza)
Shaking the Invisible Hand: Complexity, Endogenous Money and Exogenous Interest Rates (B. J. Moore)
Complexity, Endogenous Moeny and Macroeconomic Theory (M. Setterfield and B. J. Moore)
Post Keynesian Monetary Economics (S. Rousseas)
The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits: Tradition and Change in Post-Keynesian Economics (J. Ponsot)
Money, Interest and Capital: A Theory in the Foundations of Monetary Theory (C. Rogers)
Monetary Policy and Central Banking: New Directions in Post Keynesian Theory (L. Rochon)
Modern Money Theory (L. R. Wray)
Understanding Modern Money (L. R. Wray)
货币理论的发展与重建 (柳欣)
信用创造、货币供求与经济结构 (李斌、伍戈)
c. 剑桥资本争论与新古典批判 (Cambridge Capital Controversy and Critiques of Neoclassical Economics)
用商品生产商品 (Sraffa)
新古典宏观经济学批判 (J. Weeks)
Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the History of Economics (P. Arestis)
The Aggregate Production Function and the Measurement of Technical Change: Not Even Wrong (J. Felipe and J. McCombie)
Representative Agent in Macroeconomics (H. Hartley)
The Flawed Foundations of General Equilibrium (F. Ackerman)
Foundation of Economics: A Beginner's Companion (Y. Varoufakis)
Reintroducing Macroeconomics: A Critical Approach (S. M. Cohen)
Microeconomics: A Critical Approach (B. Fine)
Macroeconomics: A Critical Approach (B. Fine)
c. 价格、通货膨胀与收入分配 (Price Theory)
Post-Keynesian Price Theory (F. S. Lee)
Inflation and Income Distribution in Capitalist Crisis (J. A. Kregel)
Rate of Profit, Distribution and Growth: Two Views (J. A. Kregel)
21世纪资本论 (皮凯蒂)
d. 资本理论与经济增长与利润率 (Capital Theory and Economic Growth)
资本理论与货币理论 (柳欣)
Theory of Capital (J. A. Kregel)
The Theory of Economic Growth (J. A. Kregel)
04. 政治经济学 (Political Economy)
a. 资本论及解读 (Marx's Capital)
资本论 (K. Marx)
资本主义发展论 (P. Sweezy)
政治经济学概论 (徐禾)
Marx's Capital (B. Fine)
跟大卫·哈维读资本论 (D. Harvey)
马克思经济学与古典一般均衡理论 (柳欣)
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital (M. Heinrich)
b. 数理分析与联合生产 (Mathematical Analysis and Linear Production)
马克思经济学与数理分析 (藤森赖明, 李帮喜)
马克思经济学——价值与增长的双重理论 (森岛通夫)
Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions (R. E. Miller)
The Economics of Input-Output Analysis
Laws of Chaos: A Probabilistic Approach to Political Economy (E. Farjoun)
Macroeconomics: The Dynamics of Commodity Production (A. Bhaduri)
Measuring the Wealth of Nations (A. Shaikh)
c. 全球经济与空间地理学 (Global Economy and Spatial Geography)
全球动荡的经济学 (布伦纳)
International Political Economy (R. C. Miller)
资本的限度 (D. Harvey)
资本的城市化 (D. Harvey)
d. 利润率与经济危机 (Profit Rate and Financial Crisis)
商业周期——资本主义下的增长和危机 (谢尔曼)
Capital, Exploitation and Economic Crisis (J. Weeks)
e. 政治经济学的相关概念 (Concepts Related to Political Economy)
激进政治经济学基础 (谢尔曼)
深度历史——社会演化与人类潜能研究 (莱伯曼)
历史唯物论与马克思主义经济学 (孟捷)
f. 资本主义理解与批判 (Understanding and Critiques of Capitalism)
理解资本主义:竞争、统制与变革 (S. Bowels)
资本的终结 (MinQi Li)
05. 经济学框架的重构 (Reconstructing Macroeconomics)
经济与经济分析的逻辑 (刘晓峰)
货币经济的宏观经济理论 (柳欣)
Economics in Real Time: A Theoretical Reconstruction (J. McDermott)
The Problem of Production: A New Theory of the Firm (P. L. Bylund)
The Foundations of Non-Equilibrium Economics: The Principle of Circular and Cumulative Causation (S. Berger)
Reconstructing Macroeconomics (L.Taylor)
06. 微观经济学 (Microeconomics)
a. 主流理论框架 (Mainstream Framework)
高级微观经济学 (蒋殿春)
高级微观经济理论 (瑞尼, 杰里)
b. 博弈论 (Game Theory)
集体行动的逻辑 (奥尔森)
c. 其他 (Others)
基于实践的微观经济学 (H. Simon)
微观经济学:行为、制度和演化 (S. Bowels)
Modeling Bounded Rationality (A. Rubinstein)
07. 演化经济学 (Evolution Economics)
演化与制度 (霍奇逊)
经济学的演化基础 (多普弗)
经济学演化计算方法 (陈荣虎)
文明分叉、经济混沌和演化动力学 (Chen)
08. 复杂经济学 (Complexity Economics)
a. 网络分析 (Network Analysis)
网络科学导论 (汪小帆)
网络科学引论 (Newman)
Statistical Analysis of Network Data: Methods and Models (Kolacyzk)
Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R (Kolacyzk)
Adaptive Networks: Theory, Models and Applications (T. Gross)
b. 系统科学 (System Science)
微观动机与宏观行为 (Schelling)
系统科学精要 (苗东升)
从抛物线谈起——混动动力学导论 (郝柏林)
c. 复杂系统 (Complex System)
复杂 (米歇尔)
Think Complexity (Downey)
复杂系统理论基础 (欧阳萤之)
复杂系统与复杂网络 (何大韧)
复杂系统建模与仿真 (张树人, 方美琪)
Symmetry and Complexity (K. Mainzer)
Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Primer (C. Gros)
Uncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems (R. R. McDaniel)
From System Complexity to Emergent Properties (M. A. Aziz-Alaoui)
Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook (B. Edmonds)
The Path to Modern Economics: Dealing with the Complexity of Economic System (H. Schwardt)
The Natrue of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves (W. B. Arthur)
Complexity and the Economy (W. B. Arthur)
d. 代表人模型 (Agent-Based Modeling)
Agent-Based Modelling in Economics (L. Hamill)
Economics as an Agent-Based Complex System: Toward Agent-Based Socal System Sciences (H. Deguchi)
B. 金融学
01. 金融经济学 (Financial Economics)
金融经济学十讲 (史树中)
金融经济学导论 (Huang)
02. 资产定价 (Asset Pricing)
Asset Pricing (J. Cochrane)
03. 公司金融 (Corporate Finance)
- 公司金融理论 (Tirole)
04. 行为金融 (Behavioral Finance)
并非有效市场——行为金融学导论 (Shleifer)
行为经济学 (威尔金森)
C. 统计学与计量经济学 (Statistics and Econometrics)
01. 统计学 (Statistics)
Statistical Inference
Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers
Think Bayes: Beyesian Statistics Made Simple
概率论与统计教程 (茆诗松)
02. 计量经济学 (Econometrics)
计量经济学导论:现代观点 (Woodridge)
基本无害的计量经济学 (Angrist)
高级计量经济学及Stata应用 (陈强)
Econometrics (Hayashi)
03. 时间序列分析 (Time Series Analysis)
- 金融时间序列分析 (Tsay)
2. 数学 (Mathematics)
01. 概览 (Overview)
数理经济学的基本方法 (蒋中一)
数学之美 (吴军)
02. 数学分析 (Mathematical Analysis)
陶哲轩实分析 (Tao)
数学分析原理 (Rudin)
03. 最优化 (Optimization)
经济理论中的最优化方法 (Dixit)
动态优化基础 (蒋中一)
04. 概率论与随机过程
- 金融随机分析 (Shreve)
05. 动力系统
Economic Dynamics: Phase Diagrams and their Economic Application
06. 线性代数
- Practical Linear Algebra (G. Farin)
3. 物理 (Physics)
费曼物理学讲义 (Feynman)
相变和临界现象 (郝柏林)
Statistical Physics and Economics (M. Schulz)
4. 计算机科学与编程 (Computer Science and Coding)
Modeling and Simulation in Python
机器学习 (周志华)