chapter3-rejection proof
Gush over 交口称赞
It also drew more than 1200 comments, most of them from people gushing over Jackie.
造句:Finally I got a satisfying job which made my parents gush over me.
attribute (something) to (someone or something)
to say that (something) is because of (someone or something)
I have no scientifically proven way to attribute a 29 percent stock price jump worth hundreds of millions of dollars to a single video.
造句 I want to attribute my achievement to my parents and friends.
Never mind that…
Never mind that I was a happily married man or that my 100 days had only just started.
以前只知道在他人说thank you时可以用never mind回应,这次知道了never mind后面可以跟that从句
造句:My boss asked me to finish the difficult task, never mind that I had just entered into the company for only several months.
惊呆的;目瞪口呆的;If you are dumbfounded, you are extremely surprised by something.
造句:I am dumbfounded when I heard the news.
坦率地讲;You use frankly when you are expressing an opinion or feeling to emphasize that you mean what you are saying, especially when the person you are speaking to may not like it.
…somehow managed to catapult me into the spotlight in a way that I’d never intended and frankly never craved.
造句:Frankly, I was astonished by the fact that my boss recognized me and praised my show.
新手的;(组织或系统)新建的,没有经验的;You use fledgling to describe a person, organization, or system that is new or without experience.
I desperately wanted to get some advice on running my fledging start-up.
造句:I desperately wanted to find someone who can help me start the fledging band.
总部设在… If an organization is headquartered in a particular place, that is where its main offices are.
He wanted to invite me to fly to Las Vegas, where Zappos is headquartered, to give a talk as part of his Las Vegas Downtown Project.
造句:My company is headquartered in Nanjing.
商业化 这个词的词义我真是没猜到 现在商业化的东西这么多 这个词必须掌握了
If I wanted to capitalize on the new opportunities my ”flash fame” had opened, then I needed to figure out…
造句:Nowadays, a lot of people who are popular and welcomed by online fans generate the idea of capitalizing on their fame on website.
(果断或高效地)应对,处理,解决(难题或任务);If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way.与昨天积累的cope同义。
Yet by tackling one of my own needs head-on, I’d accidentally stumbled on a need so great that it was shared by most of the planet.
造句:To make my interview successful, I need to tackle these questions which lead me to think profoundly of myself.
I’d always viewed my fear of rejection as some sort of rare disease, like guinea worm, that inflicts terrible pain but affects only a tiny segment of the overall population. I figured that I was simply unlucky, or that my innate shyness, my upbringing in a superprotective family, or the fact that I came from a foreign country with a reserved culture were somehow responsible for my fear. Before the e-mails and comments started pouring in, I’d never really thought about other people’s fear of rejection. But the more people told me how much they could relate to my experience, the more I realized that fear of rejection wasn’t a rare disease at all. It was a normal human condition.
Guiding questions
1. How did the author’s life change after he became famous?
E-mails flooded into his in-box and many friends called him screaming into the phone. Media outlets and Hollywood couldn’t wait to interview him or write a book about him or invite him to a show. People started to recognize him on the street. And him personal hero, Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, invited him to make a speech for the local businesses in Las Vegas where the Zappos was headquartered.
2. Why did the author reject Tony Hsieh, his personal hero’s job invitation?
The author’s goal in life had always been to make a positive impact in the word. Fame and celebrity have never been his main motive. If he worked for chasing after those flashy routes, it would make him uneasy.
Meanwhile, he thought he wasn’t ready for it. His adventure about ”being rejected” had just started and he was still yearned to discover the rest of the journey. He didn’t want others to send him to the top of the mountain without his own effort.
3. Do you have any regrets caused by fear of rejection? Please share with us.
Yes, I have. When I was a freshman in college, I saw the news that media outlets ”CCTV” was applying some summer internships for students who were interested in media. The opportunity was so rare yet I thought I was not ready for it at that time. The truth was, it wasn’t so hard to pass the interview because it was the first year and they would adjust their standard to interview the freshman. My roommate passed it, never mind that she didn’t have too many advantages in media.