- 独立组装(de novo);
- 基于参考基因组的组装(reference-guided),即基于近缘或同一物种的基因组染色体同源性进行组装。
RagTag LiftoffRagTag简介
conda install -c bioconda ragtag
usage: ragtag.py correct <reference.fa> <query.fa>
Homology-based assembly correction: Correct sequences in 'query.fa' by comparing them to sequences in 'reference.fa'>
positional arguments:
<reference.fa> reference fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
<query.fa> query fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
correction options:
-f INT minimum unique alignment length [1000]
--remove-small remove unique alignments shorter than -f
-q INT minimum mapq (NA for Nucmer alignments) [10]
-d INT maximum alignment merge distance [100000]
-b INT minimum break distance from contig ends [5000]
-e <exclude.txt> list of reference headers to ignore [null]
-j <skip.txt> list of query headers to leave uncorrected [null]
--inter only break misassemblies between reference sequences
--intra only break misassemblies within reference sequences
--gff <features.gff> don't break sequences within gff intervals [null]
input/output options:
-o PATH output directory [./ragtag_output]
-w overwrite intermediate files
-u add suffix to unaltered sequence headers
mapping options:
-t INT number of minimap2/unimap threads [1]
--aligner PATH whole genome aligner executable ('nucmer', 'unimap' or 'minimap2') [minimap2]
--mm2-params STR space delimited minimap2 whole genome alignment parameters ['-x asm5']
--unimap-params STR space delimited unimap parameters ['-x asm5']
--nucmer-params STR space delimted nucmer whole genome alignment parameters ['--maxmatch -l 100 -c 500']
validation options:
--read-aligner PATH read aligner executable (only 'minimap2' is allowed) [minimap2]
-R <reads.fasta> validation reads (uncompressed or gzipped) [null]
-F <reads.fofn> same as '-R', but a list of files [null]
-T STR read type. 'sr', 'ont' and 'corr' accepted for Illumina, nanopore and error corrected long-reads, respectively
-v INT coverage validation window size [10000]
--max-cov INT break sequences at regions at or above this coverage level [AUTO]
--min-cov INT break sequences at regions at or below this coverage level [AUTO]
usage: ragtag.py scaffold <reference.fa> <query.fa>
Homology-based assembly scaffolding: Order and orient sequences in 'query.fa' by comparing them to sequences in 'reference.fa'>
positional arguments:
<reference.fa> reference fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
<query.fa> query fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
scaffolding options:
-e <exclude.txt> list of reference sequences to ignore [null]
-j <skip.txt> list of query sequences to leave unplaced [null]
-J <hard-skip.txt> list of query headers to leave unplaced and exclude from 'chr0' ('-C') [null]
-f INT minimum unique alignment length [1000]
--remove-small remove unique alignments shorter than '-f'
-q INT minimum mapq (NA for Nucmer alignments) [10]
-d INT maximum alignment merge distance [100000]
-i FLOAT minimum grouping confidence score [0.2]
-a FLOAT minimum location confidence score [0.0]
-s FLOAT minimum orientation confidence score [0.0]
-C concatenate unplaced contigs and make 'chr0'
-r infer gap sizes. if not, all gaps are 100 bp
-g INT minimum inferred gap size [100]
-m INT maximum inferred gap size [100000]
input/output options:
-o PATH output directory [./ragtag_output]
-w overwrite intermediate files
-u add suffix to unplaced sequence headers
mapping options:
-t INT number of minimap2/unimap threads [1]
--aligner PATH aligner executable ('nucmer', 'unimap' or 'minimap2') [minimap2]
--mm2-params STR space delimited minimap2 parameters ['-x asm5']
--unimap-params STR space delimited unimap parameters ['-x asm5']
--nucmer-params STR space delimted nucmer parameters ['--maxmatch -l 100 -c 500']
usage: ragtag.py patch <target.fa> <query.fa>
Homology-based continuous assembly scaffolding and gap-filling: Make continuous joins and fill gaps in 'target.fa' using sequences from 'query.fa'
positional arguments:
<target.fa> target fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
<query.fa> query fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e <exclude.txt> list of target sequences to ignore [null]
-j <skip.txt> list of query sequences to ignore [null]
-f INT minimum unique alignment length [1000]
--remove-small remove unique alignments shorter than '-f'
-q INT minimum mapq (NA for Nucmer alignments) [10]
-d INT maximum alignment merge distance [100000]
-s INT minimum merged alignment length [50000]
-i FLOAT maximum merged alignment distance from sequence terminus. fraction of the sequence length if < 1 [0.05]
--fill-only only fill existing target gaps. do not join target sequences
--join-only only join and patch target sequences. do not fill existing gaps
input/output options:
-o PATH output directory [./ragtag_output]
-w overwrite intermediate files
-u add suffix to unplaced sequence headers
mapping options:
-t INT number of minimap2/unimap threads [1]
--aligner PATH aligner executable ('nucmer' (recommended), 'unimap' or 'minimap2') [nucmer]
--mm2-params STR space delimited minimap2 parameters ['-x asm5']
--unimap-params STR space delimited unimap parameters ['-x asm5']
--nucmer-params STR space delimted nucmer parameters ['--maxmatch -l 100 -c 500']
usage: ragtag.py merge <asm.fa> <scf1.agp> <scf2.agp> [...]
Scaffold merging: derive a consensus scaffolding solution by reconciling distinct scaffoldings of 'asm.fa'
positional arguments:
<asm.fasta> assembly fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
<scf1.agp> <scf2.agp> [...]
scaffolding AGP files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
merging options:
-f FILE CSV list of (AGP file,weight) [null]
-j <skip.txt> list of query headers to leave unplaced [null]
-l INT minimum assembly sequence length [100000]
-e FLOAT minimum edge weight. NA if using Hi-C [0.0]
--gap-func STR function for merging gap lengths {'min', 'max', or 'mean'} [min]
input/output options:
-o PATH output directory [./ragtag_output]
-w overwrite intermediate files
-u add suffix to unplaced sequence headers
Hi-C options:
-b FILE Hi-C alignments in BAM format, sorted by read name [null]
-r STR CSV list of restriction enzymes/sites or 'DNase' [GATC]
-p FLOAT portion of the sequence termini to consider for links [1.0]
--list-enzymes list all available restriction enzymes/sites
Liftoff 是一个可以准确根据同一物种或近缘物种基因组进行基因注释映射的工具。该工具仅需两个基因组序列和参考基因组的基因注释文件即可进行基因注释。Liftoff使用minimap2将参考基因组的基因序列与目标基因组比对,这样的好处是,即使两个基因组间存在许多结构上的差异,也可将基因结构鉴定出来。对于每一个鉴定的基因,Liftoff找到外显子区的比对,并使序列的一致性最大,同时保留转录本和基因结构。如果两个基因错误地比对到同一个位点,Liftoff会确定最好基因结构。此外,Liftoff还可以找到在目标基因组中存在而在参考基因组中不存在的基因拷贝。
conda install -c bioconda liftoff
usage: liftoff [-h] (-g GFF | -db DB) [-o FILE] [-u FILE] [-exclude_partial]
[-dir DIR] [-mm2_options =STR] [-a A] [-s S] [-d D] [-flank F]
[-V] [-p P] [-m PATH] [-f TYPES] [-infer_genes]
[-infer_transcripts] [-chroms TXT] [-unplaced TXT] [-copies]
[-sc SC] [-overlap O] [-mismatch M] [-gap_open GO]
[-gap_extend GE]
target reference
Lift features from one genome assembly to another
Required input (sequences):
target target fasta genome to lift genes to
reference reference fasta genome to lift genes from
Required input (annotation):
-g GFF annotation file to lift over in GFF or GTF format
-db DB name of feature database; if not specified, the -g
argument must be provided and a database will be built
-o FILE write output to FILE in GFF3 format; by default, output
is written to terminal (stdout)
-u FILE write unmapped features to FILE; default is
-exclude_partial write partial mappings below -s and -a threshold to
unmapped_features.txt; if true partial/low sequence
identity mappings will be included in the gff file with
partial_mapping=True, low_identity=True in comments
-dir DIR name of directory to save intermediate fasta and SAM
files; default is "intermediate_files"
-mm2_options =STR space delimited minimap2 parameters. By default ="-a
--end-bonus 5 --eqx -N 50 -p 0.5"
-a A designate a feature mapped only if it aligns with
coverage ≥A; by default A=0.5
-s S designate a feature mapped only if its child features
(usually exons/CDS) align with sequence identity ≥S; by
default S=0.5
-d D distance scaling factor; alignment nodes separated by
more than a factor of D in the target genome will not be
connected in the graph; by default D=2.0
-flank F amount of flanking sequence to align as a fraction
[0.0-1.0] of gene length. This can improve gene
alignment where gene structure differs between target
and reference; by default F=0.0
Miscellaneous settings:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program version
-p P use p parallel processes to accelerate alignment; by
default p=1
-m PATH Minimap2 path
-f TYPES list of feature types to lift over
-infer_genes use if annotation file only includes transcripts,
exon/CDS features
-infer_transcripts use if annotation file only includes exon/CDS features
and does not include transcripts/mRNA
-chroms TXT comma seperated file with corresponding chromosomes in
the reference,target sequences
-unplaced TXT text file with name(s) of unplaced sequences to map
genes from after genes from chromosomes in chroms.txt
are mapped; default is "unplaced_seq_names.txt"
-copies look for extra gene copies in the target genome
-sc SC with -copies, minimum sequence identity in exons/CDS for
which a gene is considered a copy; must be greater than
-s; default is 1.0
-overlap O maximum fraction [0.0-1.0] of overlap allowed by 2
features; by default O=0.1
-mismatch M mismatch penalty in exons when finding best mapping; by
default M=2
-gap_open GO gap open penalty in exons when finding best mapping; by
default GO=2
-gap_extend GE gap extend penalty in exons when finding best mapping;
by default GE=1
ragtag.py correct westar.fasta ZYCR1-genome.clean.fa -t 30 -u
- ragtag.correct.fasta: 校正的contigs序列;
- ragtag.correct.agp:包含contigs序列的断点坐标的文件。
ragtag.py scaffold westar.fasta ragtag_output/ragtag.correct.fasta -t 30 -u -C
- ragtag.scaffold.agp:contigs序列的方向和顺序(AGP格式);
- ragtag.scaffold.fasta:scaffold序列;
- ragtag.scaffold.stats:scaffolding过程中的一些统计信息。
liftoff -g westar.gff3 -o ZYCR1.gene.gff3 -p 28 -chroms chr_pairs.txt ZYCR1.genome.asm.final.fasta westar.fa
perl GeneIDRename -g ZYCR1.gene.gff3 -o ZYCR1.gene.rename.gff3 -c 6
gffread ZYCR1.gene.rename.gff3 -g ZYCR1.genome.asm.final.fasta -x ZYCR1.cds.fa -y ZYCR1.pep.fa
Alonge, M., Soyk, S., Ramakrishnan, S. et al. RaGOO: fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes. Genome Biol 20, 224 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-019-1829-6
Alaina Shumate, Steven L Salzberg, Liftoff: accurate mapping of gene annotations, Bioinformatics, 2021;, btaa1016, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa1016