

2019-03-14  本文已影响0人  LesleyChan
【Carol】读书摘要——不动笔墨不读书 【Carol】读书摘要——不动笔墨不读书 【Carol】读书摘要——不动笔墨不读书 【Carol】读书摘要——不动笔墨不读书


Are you really so glad to have met me?Then why can't we see each other again?Why can't we even have lunch together today?

In the silence,Therese felt they both waited for the other to speak,yet the silence was not the awkward one.

Because she was happy now,starting today.She had no need of parents or background .

She was still smiling,as if she had just learnt how to smile and did not know how to stop.

She liked the way Carol pronounced,and she liked her lips saying it.(I remember that Alex's friend once said,"I love the way u say 'bastard'."Yes,that's the word what I always describe Alex is.)

She wished the tunnel might cave in and kill them both,that their bodies might be dragged out together.

Therese:"Shouldn't I leave?"

Carol:"Not unless you want to .No."

Carol:"You are an angel to be free tonight.Do you know that?"

Carol looked at her,as if really seeing her for the first time that evening,and under her eyes that went from her face to her hands in her lap.

It was hard to find words,locked in Carol's arms,closer than kissing.

Therese:"You've made me so happy since I've known you."

Carol:"After a few weeks,to my surprise,I felt I was attracted to her.But it lasted only 2 months,like a disease came and went."

Carol:"Just now it isn't,and that's why in New YorkI was exactly the wrong person for you to know—because I indulge you and keep you from growing up."

Therese:"Why don't you stop?"

"I'll try.The trouble is,I like to indulge you."

She had been just now what she had been sensed before,that the whole world was ready to be their enemy,and suddenly what she and Carol had together seemed no longer love or anything happy but a monster between them,with each of them caught a first.

Therese:"Any kind.Just to keep me from thinking of you,you know."

Carol:"I want you to think of me."

I'll have a hard time getting to sleep tonight without you.

You ask me if I miss you.I think of your voice,your hands,and your eyes when you look straight into mine.I remember your courage that I hadn't suspected,and it gives me courage .

There was simply the mornings,mornings anywhere,when she could lift her head from a pillow and see Carol's face,and know that the day was theirs and that nothing would separate them.

The music lived,but the world was dead .And the song would die one day,she thought,but how would the world come back to life?

To live with Carol?Once had been impossible ,and had been what she wanted the most in the world.To live with her and share everything with her,summer and winter ,to walk and read together,to travel together .

Therese waited.Then as she was about to go to her,Carol saw her,seemed to stare at her incredulously a moment while Therese watched the slow smile growing,before her arm lifted suddenly,her hand waved a quick,eager greeting that Therese had never seen before.Therese walked towards  her.

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