Entrepreneur: Start to write you

2018-07-11  本文已影响0人  IvyZhou酱姐姐

Event: Innovative Pathway Hub

Location: Hong Kong University

网页:http://www. linkedin.com/company/iphhk

IPH SALON 摄影:Cathy Huang


IPH的首次沙龙已经过去了半个月,提笔回顾起当日沙龙和沙龙筹备之前的内容,比如,跟Lynn一起修改文案到凌晨四点,和云云一起电话沟通工作执行的细节,收集和听取各方的意见和建议,带着亲爱的孩子们一起去港大,把黑板变成了彩色的内容,与各位创业者和学者之间的探讨和设计思维的课堂体验... ... 当我们把教育变成了一种体验,当我们让一些故事被看见,当我们用同样的创新思维去创业,并带领着学生们去创造,我们正在书写着自己的人生故事。谢谢每一个工作人员和参与人,因为你们我们才能完成这个故事。-- Ivy Zhou

The Salon’s aim is to strengthen the culture of an innovation and entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area of China by bridging the gap between academia and industry with common goals to unleash the young generation’s creativity. We are privileged to invite nine distinguished education innovators and entrepreneurs to share their stories in this Salon and we will broadcast for the first time at HKU. -- Lynn

Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新



Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新



杨倩组:Creativity is making small improvements by observing phenomena in life for society and for oneself. 创造力就是通过对生活中的观察作出小的进步,让自己和社会都受益。

Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新

Selorm组:Creativity is a fun new way to think out of the box, it is the dynamic, it is the freedom of the mind to pursue things better while gaining confidence at the mean time. 创造力就是用好玩的新视觉打破陈规,创造力是动态的,是思维的自由,我们用它来创造更好的追求和获得源源不断的自信。

Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新

Lily组:Innovation is similar to doing research, in the way of building new technology which should be sustainable, collaborative and based on human needs. Entrepreneurship generates revenues to make innovation come true. Because curiosity is expensive.


Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新



为什么要创新?为什么要创业?为什么要创造?为什么而坚持?而我们究竟在追寻些什么?在IPH的沙龙的翻转课堂中提到的这些问题萦绕在我的脑海挥之不去。当今夜缓缓落幕,午夜将至之时,我想写下这行字:Entrepreneurs, innovators, educators, my dear friends and fellow students: start writing your own stories.


Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新 Entrepreneur: Start to write your stories | IPH创业创新

