topic2 day1 词汇整理

2017-04-13  本文已影响0人  曦熙何兮

vocabulary and expressions

1. overdraw v. BANKING to take moremoneyout of abankaccountthan it contained: 透支

overdraw sth by $20/$200 etc. Eg. I overdrew myaccountby £50.

overdraw on sthEg. It is not possible for children to overdraw on theiraccounts.

2. unscathed adj [after verb]/ʌnˈskeɪðd/ withoutinjuriesordamagebeingcaused: 未受伤的

Eg. Herhusbanddiedin theaccidentbut she,amazingly,escapedunscathed.

3. incumbent

(1) adj.officiallyhaving thenamedposition现任的;在职的

Eg. The incumbentpresidentfacesproblemswhichbeganmanyyearsbefore he tookoffice.

be incumbent on/upon sb:to benecessaryfor someone(某人)义不容辞;(某人)必须履行

Shefeltit incumbent upon/on her toraisethesubjectattheirmeeting.

(2) noun :thepersonwho has or had aparticularofficialposition现任者,在职者

the first/last/previousincumbent 第一任/上一任/前任

Eg. Thepresentincumbent (of thepost) isduetoretirenextmonth.

4. resilient adj:abletoquicklyreturnto apreviousgoodcondition有弹性的;有复原力的;适应性强的

Eg. Thisrubberballis very resilient andimmediatelyspringsback intoshape.

Eg. She's a resilientgirl- she won't beunhappyforlong.

5. cumbersome: adj awkwardbecause of beinglarge,heavy, or noteffective

笨重的;累赘的;低效的 Eg.cumbersomeequipment

6. kick-start

v. (1)to make theengineof amotor cyclestartby forcefullypushingdown ametalbarwithyourfoot  用脚踏启动(摩托车)

(2)to make somethingstarttohappen 促使…开始

Eg .Taxes were drasticallycutin anattemptto kick-start theeconomy.

7.rock-bottomn. (1)thelowestpossiblelevel 最低点;最低水平

Eg. Confidence in thegovernmentis at rockbottom.

Prices havereachedrockbottom.

(2) the mostunhappythat someone haseverbeen intheirlife


Dan had justleftme and I was atrockbottom.伊恩刚刚离我而去,我心情糟到了极点。

8. water sth down:

(1) toaddwaterto adrink, usually analcoholicdrink, inorderto make it lessstrong在(酒精饮料)中掺水,稀释

(2) todeliberatelymake anideaoropinionlessextreme, usually so that otherpeoplewillacceptit 使(观点等)弱化;使缓和

Eg. Thepartyhaswatereddownitsidealsinordertoappealto thecentreground.

9. invoice noun[C]

alistof thingsprovidedorworkdone together withtheircost, forpaymentat alatertime


Eg. Invoices must besubmittedby the 24th of everymonth.

(2) invoice verb[T] to supplyan invoice 给…开发票

We'll invoice you forpartsandlabour.零件和人工费用我们将给你开发票。

10. entrant noun[C]

a person who becomes a member of a group or organization. 新成员;新会员;新职员

Eg. new entrants to theschool/company学校新生/公司新职员

apersonwhotakespartin acompetitionor anexam参赛者;考生

All entrantscompletetwo three-hourpapers.

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