
秋言物语(47)| 马小秋:悟为本,修为末

2017-09-19  本文已影响1人  536419b95306


I remember when I sang the song of “The Internationale” as a little child, one of the lyrics impressed me most, which goes “The blood which fills my chest has boiled over, we must struggle for truth!” I felt “truth” was sacred then but didn’t really understand the real meaning of it. And for years I have been looking for the answers.


What is truth indeed? I have some clearer understanding on it now: truth is the reality of the universe, the life and the nature. It remains constant and not subject to any people, event or time. So truth is not invented; it is just different degrees to which people understand it.


Another synonym to truth is “Tao”. It is universally acknowledged that Tao is achieved by cultivating oneself. And that is to say, truth is also achieved by cultivating oneself. In fact, that is not the case. To achieve Tao, one must be enlightened before he begins to cultivate himself. So how could one cultivate oneself before he is enlightened by the truth? And cultivating, also called self-development, is an activity that takes place after the enlightenment and enlightenment is a precondition to it.


Therefore, cultivating is changeable, inconstant, actionable and also unceasing. Cultivating does not have an ending while enlightening takes place in a blink. Thus enlightenment is the horse while cultivating is the cart which cannot be arranged vice versa. Enlightenment as the fundamental structure and cultivating for practical application, combining the two elements, embodies the principle that “Tao models itself after nature”.


Cultivating without enlightenment is blind cultivating constrained by desire and delusion, which would result in what the Diamond Sutra suggests, “All conditioned occurrences are like a dream, a bubble, and a shadow. Like the morning dew, or like lighting. You should do as you see.” The cultivating after one is enlightened will achieve the unity of heaven and man. I remember the words of an enlightened master, of which the general idea is as follows: Those who are closely involved in the game cannot see clearly while outsiders see most clearly;Before the enlightenment you are the former and after you are the latter. One struggles for success before the enlightenment but takes the world without any actions after the enlightenment; One sees the part from the part and the phenomenon from the phenomenon before the enlightenment while he sees the part from the whole and the essence from the phenomenon after the enlightenment;I lived in contradictions before the enlightenment and in completeness after the enlightenment; I do everything with the single one principle: to survive the world with Tao.(2017年8月8日马小秋分享)

马小秋,《秋言物语》随笔系列原创作者,深圳市鼎益丰集团创始人、总裁 、 禅道商学院院长 、深圳市企业联合会副会长 、 深圳市投资者联合会副会长 、广东省万明子慈善基金会理事长

翻译| 王婷婷   图片 | 来源网络

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