宝富国际技术上有哪些优势 宝富国际的优势有哪些

2017-12-21  本文已影响0人  梦梦一梦梦


High Performance Server

BeneForex investing huge sums to equip high performance Dell server to prevent order execution capabilities from bottleneck constraint.


与业内具有良好口碑效应的数据中心Equnix展开深度的战略合作,实现服务器稳定运行,为客户交易保驾护航。处理性能提升120% ,稳定率可达99.999%

Super Safe and Low Delay Data Center

BeneForex works close with leading data center Equnix to ensure stable operation of the server and clients’ trading environment.

Improve process performance by 120%

Keep stability up to 99.999%



Exclusive Network

BeneForex has developed strategic cooperation with Telstra for applying exclusive network. We provide main and backup dual circuit to minimize the loss caused by force majeure within trading process.


BeneForex宝富国际令MetaTrader (MT4)用户可以直接接入18家主流货币中心银行和大量大型流动性场所,提供超过40多种全球货币对以及贵金属、能源和差价合约(CFD)产品。通过竞争力较强的点差,获得即时、低成本的直通式处理系统(STP)订单。?

Introducing Supplier with Top Liquidity

BeneForex allows MetaTrader(MT4) users directly access to 18 major money center banks and enterprises with top liquidity, and provides over 40 global currencies, precious metals, energy and CFD products. Traders are able to gain instant, low cost STP orders through good spreads .



Powerful MT4 Trading Platform

BeneForex offers MT4 platform equipped senior tables with over 30 indicators. MT4 platform possesses swift and smooth trading performance and compatible with most of the major browsers, devices and firewalls. As a fast responding platform, traders have access to real time quotation, news, account history and trading record. Apart from that, our MT4 platform also support EA trading for customer to enjoy intelligent trading experience.



Simple and Effective CRM System

IB and customers could easily get in touch with their customer manager via platform email and message system, and call margin for essential activity as well as setting automatic notice for market activity to encourage deposit and customer transformation. Meanwhile, you could track customer’s trading performance and check his trading record for your reference.


BeneFit Zone外汇跟单交易社区可以帮助普通投资者也能像交易大师一样在国际外汇市场上进行交易,通过与其他投资者的交流互动,发现高手,跟单交易,令代理更加容易获取新客户,实现普通投资者的长期稳健投资,促进交易量的增加。

Forex Trade Copier Community

Benefit Zone forex trading copier community is aiming at helping average investors to trade in international forex market like master trader. Traders could spot master and follow their trading to attain long term and sound investments and increase trading volume. Agents are easy to gain more new clients.




B-MFCS model is a trading integration system to conduct bidirectional-multilateral clearing based on absolute equality. BeneForex will serve as clearing center to match clearing agencies and clients’ order. The concentration and matching of order are able to achieve no-delay trading and equal, open, clear trading environment.

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