
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11

2020-01-05  本文已影响0人  徐林Grace


奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11
奶妈决定了我们人生伴侣选择?瑜伽如何被蹂躏的!- gap 11

今天稍微晚一点到,和W和L聊到yatra痛苦,打死我也不再去了是实话,太冷太脏太多时间bus上。我的邻居荷兰妹妹很贴他,我们一起等开门,早晨没有cafe家里就是cumin drink,真不错;到了shala喝kafe也不错,练习还是边上一排,最前面,很好,不出汗,帅哥帮我后弯,还是没够到,我也无所谓,帅哥是瑞典人。

结束出来决定找新人聊天,两个来自cypress的女孩,南部希腊语,我问她们来自北部还是南部,她们说我是唯一如此了解cypress的;结果边上aussie开始聊天,lisa住在perth,最近碰到两个phd,她做自闭症,PTSD恢复5年时间,太多负能量,开始教书physical therapy,我们就谈得欢,提到她自己20岁assault导致PTSD,我也提到侄子同样挑战,她说需要换环境,2年恢复,瑜伽有帮助,还有就是没有安全感是很正常的。冥想可能有很严重反应,这些我都从侄子那里了解过。

chanting碰到来自委内瑞拉住德国对德国fed up女孩。

sanskit还没到之前学到地方,但和几个中国人打成一片,决定一起dosa。一起中国人吃饭就狼吞虎咽,ego显现关于zhi说成功生意人,L送我们到tahi place,他对中国行很有兴趣。kulfi

Lashimir提到下周有个Important person to ask questions,也许不相关但要接受,他自己发现很挑战。

内容有帮助如下:Practice yoga all the time…asana on mat and rest other limps 无时无刻都要练习瑜伽。

Yoga destroyed overeating,fatigue too much talk. Not following yama niyamas keeping with people company . Being fickle minded 易变;瑜伽被蹂躏,如果吃得多,话多,需要人陪伴,头脑不坚定,不实践戒律。

yoga flourishwith with enthusiasm, firm resolve. Courage, knowledge of truth, determination, giving up company of people ,yama & niyama练好瑜伽需要做到的我都在做,尤其放弃他人陪伴!

Śakti Maharṣi. Vashishtha is one of the oldest and most revered Vedic rishis. He is one of the Saptarishis (seven great Rishis) of India. Vashishtha is credited as the chief author of Mandala 7 of Rigveda.




onsumers’ use of products and brands to fulfill their goals is often shaped by experiences that far predate the typical span of a customer journey. Mende and colleagues (Mende et al. 2019, issue 2) show that the early life experiences of consumers with their caregivers shape their relationships with romantic partners and their consumer journeys with regard to romantic consumption even in adulthood. Similarly, the paper by Hamilton and colleagues (Hamilton et al. 2019, issue 3) examines consumer decision journeys that are constrained by a scarcity of products and/or a scarcity of re- sources. Research on customer journeys often implicitly as- sumes that consumers have access to products and services and that they have sufficient resources to buy them. However, many consumers experience either temporary restrictions on the availability of products or resources or chronic scarcity. In particular, there is growing evidence that scarcity of resources during childhood can have a lasting effect on how consumers navigate their decision journeys.




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