每日艺术 | Brook by Moonlight:月光下的小溪

Ralph Albert Blakelock (1847–1919) was a gifted painter but a sad story in art history. For a long time, he couldn’t achieve financial success with his work, and that caused him to have a series of nervous breakdowns. He was eventually institutionalized and spent most of the rest of his life in asylums. His work became hugely popular while he was institutionalized, when he was in no position to enjoy his newfound success. Brook by Moonlight, which fetched a record price at auction, was one of Blakelock’s first paintings to gain widespread attention during his illness.
拉尔夫-阿尔伯特-布莱克洛克(Ralph Albert Blakelock,1847-1919)是一位很有天赋的画家,但他的故事在艺术史上却很悲伤。很长一段时间里,他的工作没有带来经济上的成功,这导致了他一系列的精神崩溃。他最终被监护治疗,并在精神病院度过了余生。他的作品在住院后变得非常受欢迎,但此时他已经没有机会享受这新获得的成功了。《月光下的小溪》曾在拍卖会上拍出破纪录的价格,是布莱克洛克生病期间首次获得广泛关注的画作之一。
Blakelock started out as a conventional landscape painter, but his works soon changed. He chose increasingly to focus on moonlit scenes dominated by silhouetted trees and full moons. His most characteristic paintings are mysterious, semi-abstracted compositions with very thick layers of paint (impasto). Early in his career, Blakelock took an extended trip to the American West, where he stayed at Native American settlements and included them in his paintings. He is said to have absorbed Native American beliefs and spiritualism along the way. There’s clearly a deeply spiritual feeling about his works, one that is even more obvious and poignant considering his life story. It’s no wonder that Blakelock was highly influential on many artists who came after him.
We present today's painting thanks to the Toledo Museum of Art . : )