Book Two Unit Ninety-one

2018-01-16  本文已影响0人  化真

A pilot informed the station when he noted a balloon which seemed to be making for
the Royal Air Force Station. When this news was received by the officer in the control
tower, he got very angry for balloons can cause danger to aircraft. Fearing that
someone might be spying on the station, he ordered the pilot to trace the strange object. After having circled the balloon for some time, the pilot could spot three men in a
basket under it and one of them holding a pair of binoculars. The pilot noticed one of
the men taking photographs while the balloon floated over the station. The station rang up the police as soon as the balloon landed near an airfield. However, no one could be arrested for the basket contained two members of Parliament and the Commanding
officer of the station. As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half the station
did not know what the other half was doing.

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