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How to spend it

Modern American elites have come to favour inconspicuous consumption

A new book looks at how expenditure has changed among America’s affluent

The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class.
By Elizabeth Currid-Halkett. Princeton University Press; 254 pages; $29.95 and £24.95.

  1. STATUS symbols are as old as humanity itself. It was only once ancient Rome became rich enough for plebeians to decorate their homes that elites sought to do one better by installing mosaics in their villas; in Victorian England working-class women began to don worsted stockings to mimic the silk hosiery of the 1%. At the end of the 19th century Thorstein Veblen, an American sociologist, decried the “conspicuous leisure” of the robber barons of his age, who set themselves apart through their ability to avoid labour; he went on to bemoan the “conspicuous consumption” of the working classes seeking to imitate the wealthy’s access to luxury goods.

plebeians: a person from a lower social class (used originally in ancient Rome)
robber baron: If you refer to someone as a robber baron, you mean that they have made a very large amount of money and have been prepared to act illegally or in an immoral way in order to do so.
It was only once ancient Rome became rich enough for plebeians to decorate their homes that elites sought to do one better by installing mosaics in their villas 这句为强调句,强调的是only once...引导的这个时间状语从句,所以翻译为“正是当……才……”

1)地位符号与人类本身一样古老。正是当古罗马变得足够富有让平民百姓能装饰他们家园的时候精英们才通过在他们的大房子里马赛克来寻求更好的装饰;在维多利亚时代的英格兰工人阶级的女性开始穿 精纺的丝袜来模仿那(处于社会上层的)1%的人们所穿的丝绸长筒袜。 19世纪末,美国社会学家索尔斯坦•维布伦(Thorstein Veblen)谴责了他的时代中强盗资本家的“炫耀性休闲”,他们通过自己避免劳动的能力而与众不同;他继续哀叹想要模仿富人获得奢侈品的工人阶级“炫耀性消费”。

  1. Conspicuous consumption persists today. But just as the patricians of classical times changed their habits once the masses gained the ability to copy them, so too have modern American elites recoiled from accumulating mere goods now that globalisation has made them affordable to the middle class. Instead, argues Elizabeth Currid-Halkett, a professor at the University of Southern California, in “The Sum of Small Things”, they have begun consuming the fruits of “conspicuous production”:socially worthy things like fair-trade coffee. They also emphasise “inconspicuous consumption”, of services like education. Far from making the world more egalitarian, this shift, in particular, threatens to entrench modern elites’ privileged position more effectively than the habits of their predecessors ever did.

patricians: A patrician is a person who comes from a family of high social rank.
recoil: If you recoil from doing something or recoil at the idea of something, you refuse to do it or accept it because you dislike it so much.
egalitarian: Egalitarian means supporting or following the idea that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities.
entrench: to establish sth very firmly so that it is very difficult to change


  1. As inequality has increased over the years, so have researchers’ attempts to grapple with its causes and consequences. Ms Currid-Halkett distinguishes herself by bridging the divide between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Her book has no shortage of anecdotes to illustrate cultural trends and it digs deep into the detail of the Consumer Expenditure Survey, administered by the Bureau of Labour Statistics. Using the survey’s data from thousands of respondents, she paints a remarkably fine-grained portrait of how the spending habits of Americans have evolved over the decades.

grapple with: to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult
e.g. The Government has to grapple with the problem of unemployment.
distinguishes herself: If you distinguish yourself, you do something that makes you famous or important.
bridging: 兼具… 的特点 Something that bridges the gap between two very different things has some of the qualities of each of these things.
fine-grained: 细致的
-grained: having a texture of the type mentioned
e.g. a coarse-grained farmer

3)由于多年来不平等现象有所增加,研究人员也试图找出其原因和后果。 科瑞德-霍凯特女士因兼具定性和定量方法的特点知名。她的书不乏轶事,用以展现文化趋势,同时它深入挖掘由劳工统计局实施的“消费者支出调查”的细节。使用来自数千名受访者的调查数据,她描绘了一幅几十年来美国人的消费习惯如何演变的非常细致的图画。

  1. Defining “conspicuous consumption” as “apparel, watches, jewellery, cars and other socially visible goods”, she finds that even though the poor must dedicate much of their income to basic necessities, they devote a higher share of their total spending to conspicuous consumption than the rich do. And the trend is gaining steam. Between 1996 and 2014 the richest 1% fell further behind the national average in the percentage of their spending dedicated to bling. The middle income quintile went the other way: by 2014 they spent 35% more than the average as a percentage of their annual expenditure.

**get/pick/build up steam/gather/gain steam **: if plans, beliefs etc pick up steam, they gradually become more important and more people become interested in them
e.g. The election campaign is picking up steam.
quintile: one of five equal groups into which a set of things can be divided according to the distribution of a particular variable
e.g. men in the first quintile of weight (= the heaviest 20% of men)


  1. Rather than filling garages with flashy cars, the data show, today’s rich devote their budgets to less visible but more valuable ends. Chief among them is education for their children: the top 10% now allocate almost four times as much of their spending to school and university as they did in 1996, whereas for other groups the figure has hardly budged. They also invest heavily in domestic services such as housekeepers, freeing up time that the less fortunate must spend on chores.

end: (项目、工作的)部分,方面 If you refer to a particular end of a project or piece of work, you mean a part or aspect of it, for example a part of it that is done by a particular person or in a particular place.
budge: to move slightly; to make sth/sb move slightly


  1. Rather than frittering away that precious leisure time on frivolities, as Veblen’s leisure class did, they devote it to enriching experiences, like attending the opera, holidaying in far-off lands and working out at fancy gyms. Their children, by tagging along and thus absorbing this “cultural capital”, develop the sophistication needed to win admission to selective universities, vastly increasing the odds that they will form the next generation’s elite. The modern equivalent of Victorian worsted-stocking wearers are hipsters, who imitate the wealthy’s penchant for farmers’ markets and fair-trade lattes, even if they cannot afford a cruise to Antarctica.

fritter away: to waste time, money, or effort on something small or unimportant
e.g. He frittered away a fortune on fast cars and gambling.
frivolities: If you refer to an activity as a frivolity, you think that it is amusing and rather silly, rather than serious and sensible.
tag along (behind/with sb): to go somewhere with sb, especially when you have not been asked or invited
sophistication: (人的)高度文化修养 Sophistication is the quality of being comfortable in social situations and knowing about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important.


  1. “The Sum of Small Things” both unearths evocative differences between big American cities—for example, Los Angeles leads in bottled-water consumption, while New York does in spending on shoes—and makes clear that the “aspirational class” Ms Currid-Halkett profiles is almost exclusively coastal and urban. However, that may yield a lopsided portrait of the top of the income pile: largely absent from her tale are the business-minded rich in politically conservative states.

evocative: making you think of or remember a strong image or feeling, in a pleasant way
e.g. evocative smells/sounds/music
lopsided: Heavier, larger, or higher on one side than on the other. 不对称的

7)《小事情之和》既揭露出大美国城市之间引起情感共鸣的差异—— 例如,洛杉矶引领瓶装水消费,而纽约则花钱在鞋上——又明确了科瑞德-霍凯特女士所描绘的“有抱负阶级”几乎仅仅存在于沿海和都市里。然而,这可能会造成高收入人群的有所偏颇的画像:她的故事中政治保守州有商业头脑的富人大部分缺席。

  1. The reader learns that residents of Dallas and Houston dedicate unusually low shares of spending to housing costs and to fresh fruit, and a relatively high portion to textiles, furniture and beauty products such as wigs—but not whether the rich among them mimic their blue-state counterparts in seeking to project virtue via heirloom tomatoes and the like. Perhaps a sequel might explore the values of Sun Belt suburbanites, and how this other half of privileged Americans signal status through their spending.

blue state: (of an area in the US) having more people who vote for the Democratic candidate than the Republican one
heirloom: a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many years
An heirloom tomato (also called heritage tomato in the UK) is an open-pollinated (non-hybrid) heirloom cultivar of tomato. Heirloom tomatoes have become increasingly popular and more readily available in recent years.
suburbanites: someone who lives in a suburb - often used to show disapproval


This article appeared in the Books and arts section of the print edition under the headline "How to spend it"



