2022-08-22 What Makes Us Happy
2022-08-22 本文已影响0人
When you sit on a couch, watch a show, and enjoy pizza, do you call it happiness?
Really? How do you feel once that party is over? What do people say about your physical fitness when you visit your friend’s house to attend a casual gathering?
I’m sure you will feel insecure about exposing your fat belly to people.
So, where is happiness? Is it in the pizza?
I think it’s not. Real happiness is in hard work.
When you leave the most comfortable place, deliberately choose the discomfort and make a conscious decision to work despite all odds.
It’s the work that makes us happy in the end.
Do not mistake ease with happiness. Ease is the enemy of joy.
The challenges you avoid are the road to real happiness. Embrace them.