

2018-06-21  本文已影响0人  凝心小語

你要告訴這世界怎樣來對待你,如果是由這個世界來告訴你會如何被對待,那你就麻煩了。— 詹姆斯·鮑德溫

“You’ve got to tell the world how to treat you. If the world tells you how you are going to be treated, you are in trouble.”-James Baldwin

James Baldwin (August 2, 1924 – December 1, 1987)


"To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." -E.E. Cummings




“A lot of people think or believe or know they feel — but that’s thinking or believing or knowing; not feeling. And poetry is feeling — not knowing or believing or thinking.

Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.”

- E.E. Cummings

E.E.Cummings (October 14, 1894 – September 3, 1962)


康明思在他的一生中,就從沒停止過和世界打這樣的一場仗,打破詩歌的傳統,對詩歌語言進行獨特的實驗和大膽的創新, 誓死捍衛來自他自己內心而不是別人的感受和聲音。




To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882)



The true and durable path into and through experience involves being true to the actual givens of your lives. True to your own solitude, true to your own secret knowledge. Because oddly enough, it is that intimate, deeply personal knowledge that links us most vitally and keeps us most reliably connected to one another.  And you will be sure to keep going in life on a far steadier keel and with far more radiant individuality if you navigate by that principle. --Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney (April 13, 1939 -  August 30, 2013 )


Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. --Seamus Heaney


謝默思・希尼逝世前一年,另一位美國女作家雪兒・史翠德(Cheryl Strayed)在她的暢銷小說《那時候,我只剩下勇敢》(Wild)中響應了這一種說法:

“When you’re speaking in the truest, most intimate voice about your life, you are speaking with the universal voice.” --Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl Strayed (September 17, 1968 - present ) Cheryl Strayed的小說後被美國女演員瑞茜・威瑟斯彭( Reese Witherspoon)拍成了同名電影


參與在這場讓自己成為自己的硬仗中,除了帶着先哲們精神上的鼓舞,也有來自俄羅斯的電影人和作家安德烈・塔爾科夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)的忠告:


I don’t know… I think I’d like to say only that they should learn to be alone and try to spend as much time as possible by themselves. I think one of the faults of young people today is that they try to come together around events that are noisy, almost aggressive at times. This desire to be together in order to not feel alone is an unfortunate symptom, in my opinion. Every person needs to learn from childhood how to be spend time with oneself. That doesn’t mean he should be lonely, but that he shouldn’t grow bored with himself because people who grow bored in their own company seem to me in danger, from a self-esteem point of view.--Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrei Tarkovsky (April 4,1932-December 29, 1986)


安德烈・塔爾科夫斯基的觀察和忠告看來並不受時間的影響,在今天聽來仍然準確並合時宜。另一位美國女小說家佛羅倫斯・金(Florence King)則在此基礎上給出了更具體可行的建議,不只適用於剛從高校畢業的年輕人,也適合任何年齡、仍抱持着和世界打一場硬仗的雄心以讓自己成為自己的人。


Go somewhere different, but stay away from big cities. If you’re from a place you call “godforsaken,” go to a small city in another part of the country…

Florence King (January 5, 1936 - January 6, 2016)



Get a dead-end job — they’re plentiful now because nobody wants them. Tell your employer the truth: that you’ll be around only a year or so, but promise to work hard. Keep your promise. Little triumphs are the pennies of self-esteem. If you do well in such a job and make yourself indispensable to somebody, you will realize Robert E. Lee’s farewell words to his men after the surrender at Appomattox: “You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from a knowledge of duty faithfully performed.”



Live alone, even at a financial sacrifice. If you have a roommate, the whole college uproar will just start all over again. Get a one-room apartment, or simply a room in the home of a nice widow. Get to know her. She’s dying to tell somebody the story of her life, so listen.



Have a radio for emergency news, but no TV. Read, read, read. When you don’t have to worry about passing exams on them, subjects you studied in school suddenly become interesting. Read my “desert island book,” the one I’d want with me if I were shipwrecked: The Prodigal Women by Nancy Hale, a novel published in 1942. Girls will love it, and boys will learn more about women from it than anything I know of.


可以要個收音機收聽緊急新聞,但是不要電視機。閱讀,閱讀,閱讀。當你不需要擔心考試過關的問題,你在學校學過的科目就會突然變得有趣。閱讀我的「沙漠荒島書籍」,如果遇上船難我會希望有1942年出版的南茜・海爾(Nancy Hale) 的《敗家的女人》( The Prodigal Woman)在身邊。女孩們會很喜歡看,也是讓男孩可以了解女人的不二之選。

Stay chaste during your limbo year. Sex ruins reflection and self-knowledge; you’re so busy analyzing the other person that you never get around to analyzing yourself.





“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!

--Friedrich Nietzsche

在跨過自己生命之河的過程中,沒有人可以為你造橋,除了你自己。也許中間會有無數的小道、橋樑和妖巫的出現,他們會很樂意帶你通過,但你因此得付出出賣和放棄自己的代價。在這世上,你的路只有你自己能走。至於這條路通向哪裡,不要問,走了再說!—— 尼采


*本文內容參考自Maria Popova的Brain Pickings.

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