赖世雄 中级美语(上)

Lesson 27 Thank Your Lucky Stars

2020-03-31  本文已影响0人  jiaway

I remember when I was young boy,life was tough.My parents made me do many things for them.For example,they had me do the landry,the dishes and the house cleaning.then even got me to work part-time to help with the family expenses.If if was naught,they would spank me,They would not let me go outside the house for days.

Nowadays,life is quite different for kids.Parents can't force them to do anything.On the contrary,it seems as if children can get their parents to do anything for them.Parents and teachers are even afraid to spank children for fear of being sued.It amazes me,therefore,whenever I hear youngsters complain.Instead,they should be thanking their lucky stars

thank + 所有格 + lucky stars


force + 人 + to + 动词原形 强迫某人

for fear of  + 动名词 以免/唯恐

sue + 人 + for +事 控告某人某事

be amazed at 对... 感到惊讶


made me do / had me do / got me to work /let me go /force them to do

1.make 可用于被动语态中,get have 不可

be made to + 动词原形 被要求/命令做

Mom made me do the landry

I was made to do the laundry

2.翻译为把时,have/get + 宾语 + 过去分词

I had my computer fixed.

让 ...

let + 人 + 动词原形 让某人

be let to + 动词原形 被允许

They won't let me play with them


