Day182-amount to

2019-06-04  本文已影响0人  jiangyuxuan

1. 这是个什么词?

词:amount to

英英释义:be regarded or classified as; be the equivalent of

例句:Explanation always amounts to hiding the truth.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“amount”除了作名词外,还可以作动词。amount 常和 to 组成动词词组表示“相当于”。“amount to”一般的用法是:A amounts to B,即“A 就相当于 B”。 amount to 是口语和写作中的高频词汇。当我们描述陌生现象、抽象概念时,经常会用大家熟悉的现象做类比或者举例子,这时候就可以用到 amount to。在描述一些听起来比较枯燥的话题时,也可以使用 amount to 作类比让它变得生动有趣。我们来看一些例子。


His “let's have dinner some other time” amounts to polite refusal.


Wasting others’ time amounts to homicide; wasting your own time amounts to suicide.

我们还常说“解释就是掩饰”。这里的“是”更准确的意思是“相当于”,因此我们可以说: Explanation always amounts to hiding the truth. 《经济学人》一篇关于英国移民的文章的摘要是这么写的:

Annual net migration amounts to about three times the attendance at a Manchester United football match.(这里的 amount to 很好地体现了英国移民的数量之低)

最近《经济学人》在一篇关于美国对华为制裁的文章中也用到了 amount to:

More significant was the announcement by the Commerce Department, on the same day, that it was adding Huawei to a list of firms with which American companies cannot do business without official permission. That amounts to a prohibition on exports of American technology to Huawei.(这里的 amount to 写出了作者对美国商务部做法的解读)

前不久《经济学人》在 Special report 写到了中美关系,其中一句中也出现了 amount to:

Arguably, it already amounts to an undeclared cyber-war.(虽然并没有宣战,但从双方的种种迹象来看,已经相当于是不宣而战了)

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



(参考翻译:Learning without thinking amounts to not learning at all.)


例子: The price of the house accounts to his earnings of ten years.

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