具象状态传输(英文:Representational State Transfer,简称REST)是Roy Thomas Fielding博士于2000年在他的博士论文 "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures" 中提出来的一种万维网软件架构风格。
RESTful API是目前比较成熟的一套互联网应用程序的API设计理论。
2 简单的Get请求
基本http的GET请求需要在一个协程中new一个WWW类并传入准确的API地址,执行yield return www
就会等待服务器的返回结果,之后才开始执行以后的代码。 Get请求的API参数需要加入到API的地址中去,格式 URL+?key1=value1&key2=value2
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
StartCoroutine (IEHttpGet());
IEnumerator IEHttpGet()
//print ("get url " + fullUrl);
WWW www = new WWW("");
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError (www.error);
Debug.Log (www.text);
3 简单的Post请求
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MiniJSON;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
StartCoroutine (IEPost());
IEnumerator IEPost()
string fullUrl = "";
//加入http 头信息
Dictionary<string,string> JsonDic = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
JsonDic.Add ("Content-Type", "application/json");
Dictionary<string,string> UserDic = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
UserDic ["height"] = "170";
UserDic ["weight"] = "62";
string data = Json.Serialize (UserDic);
byte[] post_data;
post_data = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (data);
WWW www = new WWW (fullUrl, post_data, JsonDic);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError ("error:" + www.error);
Debug.Log (www.text);
4 带安全验证的Get/Post请求
对于需要使用Base Auth 安全验证的RESTful API,需要在http的请求信息中加入用户名称和用户帐号信息,并进行编码转化。
Dictionary<string,string> AuthDic = new Dictionary<string,string> (); // auth header
AuthDic.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
string NameAndPw = "UserName" + ":" + "Password";
AuthDic.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(NameAndPw)) );
IEnumerator IEPost()
string fullUrl = "";
Dictionary<string,string> AuthDic = new Dictionary<string,string> (); // auth header
AuthDic.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
string NameAndPw = "UserName" + ":" + "Password";
AuthDic.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(NameAndPw)) );
Dictionary<string,string> UserDic = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
UserDic ["height"] = "170";
UserDic ["weight"] = "62";
string data = Json.Serialize (UserDic);
byte[] post_data;
post_data = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (data);
WWW www = new WWW (fullUrl, post_data, AuthDic);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError ("error:" + www.error);
Debug.Log (www.text);
5 封装成带回调函数的请求
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
/// <summary>
/// Http Request SDK
/// </summary>
namespace RestHttpAPI
public class HttpAPI : MonoBehaviour {
private static HttpAPI _instacne=null;
private HttpAPI()
public static HttpAPI Instance{
if(_instacne == null )
Debug.LogError("Awake error");
return _instacne ;
void Awake () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
HttpAPI._instacne = gameObject.GetComponent<HttpAPI> ();
JsonDic.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
AuthDic.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
string NameAndPw = UserName + ":" + Password;
AuthDic.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(NameAndPw)) );
public string ipAdr="";
public string ver = "";
Dictionary<string,string> AuthDic = new Dictionary<string,string> (); // auth header
Dictionary<string,string> JsonDic = new Dictionary<string,string> (); // json parser header
public string UserName="";
public string Password="";
/// <summary>
/// Get Method with callback
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">URL.</param>
/// <param name="callBack">Call back.</param>
public void Get(string url,Action<string,string> callBack=null)
StartCoroutine ( IEHttpGet(this.ipAdr+url,callBack));
IEnumerator IEHttpGet(string fullUrl,Action<string,string> callBack)
//print ("get url " + fullUrl);
WWW www = new WWW(fullUrl);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError (www.error);
if(callBack != null)
callBack (www.text,www.error);
/// <summary>
/// Get Method with callback and BaseAuth
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">URL.</param>
/// <param name="callBack">Call back.</param>
public void GetAuth(string url,Action<string,string> callBack=null)
StartCoroutine (IEGetAuth(url,callBack));
IEnumerator IEGetAuth(string url,Action<string,string> callBack=null)
string fullUrl = this.ipAdr + url;
WWW www = new WWW(fullUrl,null,AuthDic);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError ("error:"+www.error);
if(callBack != null)
callBack (www.text,www.error);
/// <summary>
/// Post the specified url and callBack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">URL.</param>
/// <param name="callBack">Call back.</param>
public void Post(string url,Action<string,string> callBack=null)
StartCoroutine (IEPost (url, callBack));
IEnumerator IEPost(string url,Action<string,string> callBack=null)
string fullUrl = this.ipAdr + url;
WWWForm wf = new WWWForm ();
wf.AddField ("K","v");
WWW www = new WWW(fullUrl,wf);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError ("error:"+www.error);
if(callBack != null)
callBack (www.text,www.error);
/// <summary>
/// Post the specified url, data and callBack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">URL.</param>
/// <param name="data">Data.</param>
/// <param name="callBack">Call back.</param>
public void Post(string url,string data, Action<string,string> callBack=null)
StartCoroutine (IEPost(url,data,callBack));
IEnumerator IEPost(string url,string data, Action<string,string> callBack=null)
string fullUrl = this.ipAdr + url;
byte[] post_data;
post_data = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
WWW www = new WWW(fullUrl,post_data,JsonDic);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError ("error:"+www.error);
if(callBack != null)
callBack (www.text,www.error);
/// <summary>
/// Posts the auth.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">URL.</param>
/// <param name="data">Data.</param>
/// <param name="callBack">Call back.</param>
public void PostAuth(string url,string data, Action<string,string> callBack=null)
StartCoroutine (IEPostAuth(url,data,callBack));
IEnumerator IEPostAuth(string url,string data, Action<string,string> callBack=null)
string fullUrl = this.ipAdr + url;
byte[] post_data;
post_data = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
WWW www = new WWW(fullUrl,post_data,AuthDic);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null) {
Debug.LogError ("error:"+www.error);
if(callBack != null)
callBack (www.text,www.error);
6 使用示例
基于以上的RestHttpAPI可以使用简单的代码调用RESTful API。
HttpAPI.Instance.ipAdr = "";
HttpAPI.Instance.UserName = "b";
HttpAPI.Instance.Password = "123";
//普通的Get POST 请求
HttpAPI.Instance.Get ("/hello",(resp,error)=>{print(resp+" "+error);});
HttpAPI.Instance.Post ("/hello",(resp,error)=>{print(resp+" "+error);});
HttpAPI.Instance.GetAuth ("/test",(resp,error)=>{print(resp+" "+error);});
Dictionary<string,string> UserDic = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
string str = Json.Serialize(UserDic);
HttpAPI.Instance.Post ("/user/newUser", str, (resp,error) => {
print (resp + " " + error);}
//带安装验证的POST 请求
Dictionary<string,string> UserDic = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
string str = Json.Serialize(UserDic);
HttpAPI.Instance.PostAuth("/generateCode", str, (resp,error) => {
print (resp + " " + error);}