

2018-10-04  本文已影响172人  梅花之子

A merely purified photograph about a disappearing auditorium awakes the inner memory of the past senior school which reveals the warmth and pursuit of campus. The sense of urgency rises since the instant you heard the ringing of the bell,you had to advance to it hurriedly or you had to wash the bowls and barrel. The possibility was that you could select the delicate vegetables or you merely purchased what was left.



The life was simplified and lacked materials for sufficient quality of food and money. The coldness was removed by the coal stove which exposed the persons in danger of being killed by the pollution of gas because of the fact that no chimney was fixed to let the gas out of the dormitory.Consequently the stove was removed from the room to guarantee the safety .

The beds were linked together to offer a dozen roommates to sleep squeezing and  obtaining the warmth against the chilly coldness.Then the popular works belonged to the series of QiongYao’s lyric novels which were addictive in the girls. I read scores of copies by the flashlight in the quilt secretly like a thief and flowed tears moved by the fates of the heroines who were addicted to the beloved story.As the picture above the prince goes through the tunnels accompanied by the splendid light. The shining light enhances the unrealistic status of the hero. The rings shelters the maiden soul leaving her dipped into the state of fairy world. The subjunctive atmosphere adds to the blooming fragrance of flowers and ignore the realities of surrounding environment. The ideal situation exists in the imaginative world.Once you are awakened by the reality,you approach the vast earth and the tough hug.



The prince proved to be a terrible dinosaur whose owner was not a handsome prince but a naughty kid dressed in the red t-shirt,childish and stubborn ,not Superman.Time is the suitable tool to transfer the dream to the luxurious existence.                                              真实的王子其实化身为恐龙,其主人是一个玩虐的小孩,身着红色战衣,并非超人。时间是适合的工具,将梦想化身为奢华的存在。


Unconsciously the fruits are mature with the leaves turning yellow and falling to the ground ,following the law of gravity.The fact is that we have no consciousness of the process when the greenish leaves lift the dark and bitter fruit nourishing the growth,breathing the fresh air,absorbing the resting of the singing birds recalling their arrival of their precious friends.

不知不觉间柿子成熟,落入地上,遵循了万有引力定律。不曾留意间翠绿的叶子托起深色青涩的果实,且滋润其生长,呼吸有氧空气,引得鸟儿栖息于枝头,嘹亮的嗓音呼朋唤友。                                              Generally speaking we are occupied with the endless work and forget to slow down to appreciate the view that stands around us. The hurried pace and pressure block the taste of magnificent instance.Set off early relaxedly to oversee the changeable sun.



Autumn harvests what you have cultivated beforehand .Purple grapes hang on the vines heavily bathed in the sun shining and absorbing the nutrients resourcing from the deep roots and powerful stems. The possessor of the orchard  ,the modest lady has managed it for half a decade covering an area of 5 acres.It is located in the east of Zitu Park.Thanks to the reforming and opening policy,farmers have transformed their conventional farming styles relying on brown soil.In the past they got accustomed to plant wheat,corns to feed themselves to satisfy the basic life requirements. They bred their kids by a bit of material but the kids were growing up merrily playing marbles which reflects the colors of glass like a magical world in the laughter and cheers. They played hide-and-seek game behind the rice. The fish and shrimps swing their body freely in the clear water which attracts the kids to catch them with the nets . They  set about changing the style of managing.They invited the gardeners to guide them to plant and cut the fruit trees to wear the plentiful fruit.Their efforts pay off now to reward their labor.


种瓜得瓜 ,种豆得豆。一串串晶莹剔透的紫色葡萄沉甸甸地挂在藤上沐浴着阳光的滋润,吸收着深深扎根的养分。园子的主人,这位淳朴的大姐,经营着占地面积5亩的果园5年之久。多亏改革开放政策,转变了传统种植玉米,麦子等农作物来满足基本的生活需求,养育孩子也全凭这些许的财富。然而孩子在艰辛的环境中茁壮生长。他们弹玻璃球,稻米垛后捉迷藏,清澈的小溪中捉鱼捕虾。她们邀请专家指导种植,修剪果木。付出终有成果。                                  No matter a distant photo or a new one,your limitless thoughts will extend onward.                                            无论古老的照片,亦或新的,令人遐思无限。

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