To My Children
My dear children,
I always know that I am gonna have a baby or two in the near future, though I have no idea when and how will you guys come to my life, but I just know it.
I want you to know that you are welcomed at any time.
I have to tell you the truth, I am dating someone now(maybe he will be your Papa in the future, but I am not so sure yet, cause you know, life changes).
I can't say I love him,cause in my heart, love is too heavy for me, I can't say I love somebody so easily, and I shall never ever change.(You may think I am a little stubborn.)
Actually it bothers me a lot cause I can't stop wondering why he falls in love with me at first sight,I am not pretty, not smart and even kind of selfish. His emotion comes too fast and strong for me to absorb, I feels breathless somehow.
I believe True Love does exists in the world, but I don't believe it wills happens on me. I have seen so many couples get married and then end with divorce. I swear, I never doubt their heart for each other when they were making promises solemnly on stage, but how come they become suspect, hate even curse on each other. What changed their love? I am afraid I might be the same, I'd rather hide my heart deeply rather than being deserted.
I am a coward and pessimist, I have to admit. Anyway I am learning to be strong and brave now, cause I want to be a good wife and a nice Mommy at the same time.
By the way, I always hope that one day I got a baby girl, I'd like to name her Laura , and a boy Vincent. Hope you don't mind. Since you haven't come to my life yet, I have to call you my baby child. I love you with all my heart whether you are a handsome boy or a lovely girl.
In my whole life, I will be grateful for the world brings you to me.