The most determined people do not always choose wisely, no matter how well they are counselled. But it would be wrong to deny everyone the right to assisted death for this reason alone. Competent adults are allowed to make other momentous, irrevocable choices: to undergo a sex change or to have an abortion. People deserve the same control over their own death.(前四句道理论证:1.先指出问题 2.说明不能只是因为问题而否决某个方案。3.举出相关,有说服力的平行的例子4,回到问题本身,作总结。) Instead of dying in intensive care under bright lights and among strangers, people should be able to end their lives when they are ready, surrounded by those they love.(诉诸情感,引起了读者强烈的共鸣)
临摹句子:But it was wrong to deny everyone the right to assisted death for this reason alone.
提炼出句型:But it was wrong to do X for this reason alone.
The most determined people do not always choose wisely, no matter how well they are counselled.
造句:But it was wrong to deny yourself for this reason alone.
仿写:The building of high-speed railway has taken up much farming land which gave rise to many farmers ' loss of land use rights for good and environment deterioration. But it would be wrong to deny the high-speed railway's role in city development for this reason alone. Many big cities benefit from the high-speed railway a lot: tourism development,an influx of talent. So there is no doubt that the high-speed railway makes a difference.