

2020-05-09  本文已影响0人  Lyudmilalala
并查集 (Disjoint Set Union) 是一种树形的数据结构,用于处理不交集的合并 (union) 及查询 (find) 问题。


  1. 一个parent数组用来储存每个节点 (node) 的最终父节点 (root)
  2. 一个find方法用来找寻当前节点 (node) 的最终父节点 (root)
  3. 一个union方法用来合并两个符合关系的节点
  4. main方法对于需要合并的节点进行判断,并使用合并后的集合
//find the root parent of index i, it represent the whole cluster
public int find( int[] parent, int i ) {
    if(parent[i] == i) {
        return parent[i];
    return find( parent, parent[i] );

//merge two node to the same parent because they are correlated
public void union ( int[] parent, int i, int j) {
    int ip = find ( parent, i );
    int jp = find ( parent, j );
    if ( ip != jp ) {
        parent[ jp ] = ip; 

public int DSU(int[][] M) {
    if ( M.length == 0 ) {
        return 0;
    //initialize the parent array
    int[] parent = new int [ M.length ];
    for (int i = 0; i < M.length; i++) {
        parent[ i ] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < M.length; i++) {   
        for (int j = 0; j < M.length; j++) {
            //if satisfied, merge them to one union
            if ( i != j && M[i][j] == 1) {
                union( parent, i, j );
    int count = 0;
    //use the union result
    for (int i = 0; i < parent.length; i++) {
        if ( parent[i] == i ) {
        return count;


public int[] findRedundantConnection ( int[][] edges ) {
    //only one redundant edge, so number of nodes = edges.length
    int[] parent = new int [ edges.length ];
    for(int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
        parent[ i ] = i;
    for(int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
        // because the node start at 1, parent[i] represent the parent of node i+1
        // minus 1 for check and modification, plus 1 when return results
        int start = edges[i][0]-1;
        int end = edges[i][1]-1;
        // ---------------- equivalent to find() function --------------------
        // recursively get the root of the union of start
        int sroot = start;
        while ( sroot != parent[sroot] ) {
            sroot = parent[sroot];
        // recursively get the root of the union of end
        int eroot = end;
        while ( eroot != parent[eroot] ) {
            eroot = parent[eroot];
        // ---------------- equivalent to union() function --------------------
        if ( sroot==eroot ) {
            // is already in the same union, current edge is redundant
            int[] ans= { start+1, end+1 };
            return ans;
        }else {
            // merge to the same union
            parent[eroot] = sroot;
    return null;


路径优化 Path Compression


Path Compression
private int find(int[] parent, int p) {
    if( parent[i] == i ) {
        return parent[i];    
    parent[i] = find( parent, parent[i] );  //refresh value in the array before pass it to bottom
    return parent[i];

按秩合并 Union by Rank


Union by Size
//merge tree with smaller size to tree with larger size
// size[i] is initialized in main method to 1
public void union ( int[] parent, int[] size, int i, int j) {
    int ip = find ( parent, i );
    int jp = find ( parent, j );
    if ( ip != jp ) {
        if ( size[ip] > size[jp] ) {
            parent[ jp ] = ip; 
            size[ip] += size[jp];
        } else {
            parent[ ip ] = jp;
            size[jp] += size[ip];
Union By Rank
//merge tree with smaller height to tree with larger height
// rank[i] is initialized in main method to 1
public void union ( int[] parent, int[] rank, int i, int j) {
    int ip = find ( parent, i );
    int jp = find ( parent, j );
    if ( ip != jp ) {
        //only have to modify rank if the current two trees are with equivalent height
        if ( rank[ip] > rank[jp] ) {
            parent[ jp ] = ip; 
        } else if ( rank[jp] > rank[ip] ) {
            parent[ ip ] = jp;
        } else {
            parent[ jp ] = ip; 


N = 需要合并的节点数
时间: 当同时使用了路径压缩和按秩合并后,合并的时间复杂度为O(N\alpha(N))O(N)。单次操作复杂度为O(\alpha(N))≈1。其中\alpha是Inverse-Ackerman函数。如果只有路径压缩或按秩合并,单次操作复杂度为O\log{N}


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