
2018-01-03  本文已影响7人  7bd3ccb18383





Many people harbor the perception that government by the people is supposed to serve the people, especially disadvantaged ones like the elderly. Senior ones who appear comparatively senile now may have devoted all their life to the development of the society. Given this, countries should invest more on improving the pension or overall welfare system, which improves the living standard of old people and provides the reassurance for them that all the effort is worthwhile.



1.perception n.理念The President wants to squelch any perception that the meeting is an attempt to negotiate.总统想要消除任何视本次会议为谈判尝试的看法。

2.disadvantaged ones弱势群体The freedom of contract of traditional civil law may become an excuse for the financially advantaged individuals to infringe the disadvantaged ones.传统民法的契约自由原则可能成为经济上的强者侵害弱者利益堂而皇之的借口。

3.comparatively adv.相对地She has been comparatively successful in maintaining her privacy.在保护自己的隐私方面她一直都做得比较成功。

4.senile a.老迈的The old man became increasingly prejudiced, arbitrary, and senile.他越来越变成一个偏见、固执和独断的老人。

5.pension n.退休金New stakeholder pensions will aim to give all workers a retirement pension they can live on.新存托养老金计划的目标是为所有工作者提供可以赖以为生的退休养老金。

6.welfare system福利体系The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.福利制度非常不公平,效率也极低。

7.reassurance n.令人安心的保证Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas各地警察局局长应当重树其维护辖区安定的执法者形象。

8.worthwhile a.值得的We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile我们认为完成这项任务所必须付出的时间与辛苦都是值得的。

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