词为我用 - promulgate
promulgate TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈprɒm.əl.ɡeɪt/ US /ˈprɑː.məl.ɡeɪt/
1. verb, If people promulgate a new law or a new idea, they make it widely known. 散布,传播
2. verb, If a new law is promulgated by a government or national leader, it is publicly approved or made official.颁布,公布
1. King, who did more than any other British official to promulgate the adoption of "inflation-targeting", made an impassioned plea last week for its preservation, including, in his speech in Belfast, a history of all those inflationary problems of the 1970s, and the long struggle to bring inflation down to tolerable rates.(The Guardian - Business)
2. At a time of exaggerated doubts about the instrumental temperature record, this should help promulgate its main conclusion: that the existing mean estimates are in the right ballpark.(The Economist)
3. See articleIn a sudden about-turn, Mexico's president, Vicente Fox, refused to promulgate a bill that would have legalised the possession of small quantities of drugs, both hard and soft.(The Economist)
4. He may feel that since he does not represent the clean break that voters hoped for, he should promulgate a more reformist agenda than his predecessor did.(The Economist)
5. In today's climate, with various prosecutors, regulators and legislators vying to promulgate new rules not just for Wall Street but for all of American corporate governance, that is disastrous.(The Economist)
6. And Mr Obama's administration will probably hesitate to ram through dramatic emissions cuts by decree, for fear of appearing undemocratic. Even if officials around America do promulgate fierce regulations, those will take some time to come into force, and are bound to be the subject of endless lawsuits.(The Economist)
7. And President Fernando Henrique Cardoso is expected soon to promulgate another new law aimed at another kind of butchery: that of the environment. Brazilian driving habits will be hard enough to change.(The Economist)
8. An organisation called the Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS, which has about 100 member firms, is trying to co-ordinate such initiatives, and promulgate common standards for businesses that want to follow suit.Anyone who had a HAARTRaising money to combat AIDS is, however, but half the battle.(The Economist)
9. The Council of Institutional Investors has said that it is in "the corporation's and all shareholders' best financial interest" for companies to promulgate "a narrowly-drawn definition of an independent director".(The Economist)
10. It is also constitutionally dubious because the president can promulgate short-term ordinances by decree only when parliament is not in session.(The Economist)
11. BICEP2's researchers were criticised in some quarters for rushing to promulgate their discovery prematurely.(The Economist)
12. That, or the TSA needs until December 30th to properly promulgate a formal set of inane new rules, to add to the inane rules currently in place.Mr Goldberg's whole post is worth a read.(The Economist)
13. Finally, they have to get their chosen innovation into production and then promulgate it throughout the marketplace.(The Economist)
14. But the vision of Britain it likes to promulgate harks back to a time when the country was home to far fewer Muslims.(The Economist)
15. He has until the end of the month to promulgate his "basic law" setting out guidelines for the road towards a full-fledged election in 2005 under a popularly endorsed constitution.(The Economist)
promulgate law, idea, rule, regulation, agenda
"make known by open declaration, publish, announce" (a decree, news, etc.), 1520s, from Latin promulgatus, past participle of promulgare "make publicly known, propose openly, publish," probably from pro "forth" (see pro-) + mulgere "to milk" (see milk (n.)), used metaphorically for "cause to emerge." In that case the word is "a picturesque farmers' term used originally of squeezing the milk from the udder" [L.R. Palmer, "The Latin Language"]. Related: Promulgated; promulgating. The earlier verb in English was promulge (late 15c.).
advertise, announce, declare,proclaim, publicize, publish, release
conceal, silence, suppress, withhold,recall, recant, retract, revoke
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