
2021-12-07  本文已影响0人  上海马超23


He's not here to defend himself, but—


CRAIG BOX: —it sounds like you two have a history.


CRAIG BOX: Now if people wanted to learn more about Knative and the new features in 1.0, I understand you are going to be presenting at a meetup in a couple of weeks time.

VILLE AIKAS: Yeah. So we are going to have a community event celebrating the 1.0. We'll talk about that, so if you're interested, please come.

The other thing that we just talked about actually in the steering committee was we should have a party to celebrate the 1.0, and especially for the folks that have been with us on this very long journey to get to 1.0. So we are going to have a couple of parties, because what's better than one party is two.

So we'll have one in the EU friendly timezone, and one with North America. Stay tuned for that, as well, because we want to go ahead and see those people that have been in the project, and maybe left, done something else, and so forth. So it would be great to go and have you all join us for that.

CRAIG BOX: I'm fairly certain that I gave the world's first meetup talk on Knative, the week after it was announced. I went to Boulder, Colorado, and did one of the demos that was done at Next. Does that make me the fifth Beatle of Knative?

VILLE AIKAS: Absolutely.


CRAIG BOX: I guess I should turn up to the party.


VILLE AIKAS: You should.

CRAIG BOX: Knative, why doesn't it have a Greek name?

VILLE AIKAS: Because we felt like it was getting a bit silly to go and have everything named Greek.

CRAIG BOX: Couldn't you have had this thought maybe six years earlier?


VILLE AIKAS: Yeah, although I think it was a stroke of marketing genius to go and name it Kubernetes instead of, say, Project 7, because you can imagine how much fun it'd be to look for search engine keywords for "seven."

CRAIG BOX: I always thought that Knative should be pronounced KUH-NATIVE like Donald KUH-NUTH.


VILLE AIKAS: Yeah. No, there was a lot of discussions about how should it be pronounced, and KUH-NATIVE was definitely there. And it was like, nah, that just no, no, no, no, no. But whatever. And there's always Mark who calls it CANT-IVE.


CRAIG BOX: Finally, last week, I understand that you managed to get out and see a little bit of sport?

VILLE AIKAS: Yes. Finally, after many, many, many years of waiting, Seattle has a hockey team, a proper NHL team. So last week, we basically had Kraken's first ever home game.

It was amazing. 17,000 people showed up. Atmosphere amazing. We basically had four games last week in Seattle, so I was able to go and get my long-awaited hockey fix.

CRAIG BOX: Is hockey something that is instilled in you as a Finnish youth, or is it something you picked up in the North of North America?

VILLE AIKAS: That's in Finland. So in PE classes, we would play hockey. Not with the proper gear, but with the tennis ball and whatnot, but with the sticks.

CRAIG BOX: Are there a lot of Finnish players making it to the NHL?

VILLE AIKAS: Yeah, there's quite a few there.

CRAIG BOX: I'm sure there's dozens of them.


VILLE AIKAS: Dozens of them! Yes. No, there's quite a few of them. Even Kraken has one Finn in there. The token Finn.

CRAIG BOX: Excellent. Well, thank you very much for joining us, Ville.

VILLE AIKAS: Thank you so much for having me. It's always great to chat with you.

CRAIG BOX: You can find Ville on Twitter at @aikasville, you can find Knative at, and you can find Chainguard at


CRAIG BOX: Jimmy, thank you so much for your help with the show not just today, but for the last 58 episodes. It's been an absolute pleasure.

JIMMY MOORE: Thanks, Craig. I've had a great time. And if you've enjoyed the show, please help us spread the word and tell a friend. If you have any feedback for us, you can find us on Twitter at @kubernetespod, or reach us by email at

CRAIG BOX: You can also check out our website at where you'll find transcripts and show notes, as well as links to subscribe. We'll be back with another special in a few weeks, so until then, thanks for listening.



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