

2018-12-27  本文已影响0人  小丸子爱吃虾

show tblproperties table_name

show tables

describe extended mydb.employees


set hive.mapred.mode=strict;


show partitions Tablename;

show partitions table_name partition(country='US')

load data local inpath '${env:Home}/california-employees'

into Table employees



alter table log_message

ADD PARTITION (year=2012,month=1,day=2)

location 'hdfs://master_server/data/log_message/2012/01/02'


drop table if exists employees;


alter table log_message rename to logmsgs;


alteer table log_message add if not exists

partion (year =2011,month=1,day=1) Location '/logs/2011/01/01'


alter table log_message

change cloumn hms hours_minutes_seconds INT

cloumn 'The hours ,minutes,and seconds part of the timestamp'

alter severity;


alter table log_message add columns(

app_name string comment'Application name',

session_id long comment 'The current session_id'



alter table stocks

clustered by (exchange ,symbol)

stored by (symbol)

into 48 buckets;


load data local inpath '${env:HOME}/california-employees'

overwrite into table employees

partion (country='US',state ='CA');


insert overwrite table employees


select se.st,se.cnty

from staged_employees se;


set hive.exec.dynamic.partion=true;

set hive.exec.dynamic.partion.mode=nonstrict;

set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partions.pernode=1000;


create table ca_employees

as select name ,salary,address

from employees

where se.state ='CA'


hadoop fs -cp source_path target_path


insert overwrite local directory '/tmp/ca_employees'

select name, salary,address

from employees

where se.state='CA'


from staged_employees se

insert overwrite directory'/tmp/or_employees'

select *

where se.cty='US' and se.st='OR'

insert overwrite directory '/tmp/ca_employees'

select *

where se.cty='US' and se.st='CA'


create table employees(

name string,

salary float,

subordinates array<string>,

deductions MAP<string ,float>,

address  struct<street:string ,city:string,state:string,zip:int>


partitioned by (country string,state string)


select name, subordinates from employees;

--查询 array 格式的数据

select name ,subordinates[0] from employees


select name ,deductions["State Taxes"] from employees


select name ,address.city from employees


select symbol,'price.*'

from stocks

--列值计算,round()函数会返回一个Double 类型的最近整数


select upper(name),salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"],

round(salary *(1-deductions["Federal Taxes "]))

from employees;


select count(*),avg(salary)

from employees;

--count(*),count(distinct expr[,expr_.]),sum(col),sum(distinct col)


--设置属性 hive.map.aggr值为true来提高聚合性能

select hive.map.aggr=true;

select count(*),avg(salary)

from employees;


select explode(subordinates) as sub

from employees

--limit 语句会限制返回的行数

select upper(name0,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"],

round(salary*(1-deductions["Federal Taxes"]))

from employees

limit 2;

--case ... when ... then

select name , salary,


when salary<5000 then 'low'

when salary>=5000 and salary<7000 then 'middle'

when salary>=7000 and salary<10000 then 'high'

else 'very high'

end as bracket from employees



set  hive.exec.mode.local.auto =true;

--like 模糊匹配,RLike是hive中的扩展

--inner join的时候,表的大小从左到右依次增加

select s.ymd,s.symbol,s.price_close,d.divided

from stocks s join divided d

on s.ymd=d.ymd and s.symbol= d.symbol

where s|.symbol ='AAPL';

--right outer join 返回右表中所有符合where语句的记录


set hive.auto.convert.join =true;

--order by 会对查询结果执行一个全局的扫描

--hive里添加了一个sort by,只会在每个reducer中对数据进行排序

--含有sort by 的distribute by

MapReduce job中传输的所有数据按照健-值对的方式进行组织的,默认情况下,



--distribute by 控制map的输出reducer中是如何划分的

--Hive要求Distribute by 写在Sort by 语句之前

select s.ymd,s.symbol,s.price_close

from stocks s

distribute by s.symbol

sort by s.symbol ASC,s.ymd ASC

--cluster by 等价于distribute by 和sort by 的综合使用

select s.ymd,s.symbol,s.price_close

from stocks s

cluster by s.symbol


select name,salary

from employees

where cast(salary as Float)<100000.0

select (2.0*cast(cast(b as string ) as double ))

from src;





select *

from people join cart

on (cart.people=people.id)

where firstname ='john'

)a  select a.lastname where a.id=3;


create table employees(

name string ,

salary float,

subordinates array<string>,

deductions map<string ,float>,

address  struct<street:string ,city:string,state:string,zip:int>


create index employees_index

on table employees(country)

as 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.compactindexhandler'

with deferred rebuild

idxproperties ('creator='me','created_at'= 'some_time')

in table employees_index_table

partion by (country,name)

comment'Employees indexed by country and name.'

partioned by (country string, state string )


alter index employees_index

on table employees

partition (country='US')



show formatted index on employees;


drop index if exists employees_index on table employees;

--Bitmap 索引应用于排重后值比较少的列

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